Xanathars Guide To Everything (DDB Rip)

(ff) #1

d6 I became a hermit because ...
making that decision.
5 I lost everything — my home, my family, my friends. Going it alone was all I could do.
6 Society’s decadence disgusted me, so I decided to leave it behind.


d6 I became a noble because ...
1 I come from an old and storied family, and it fell to me to preserve the family name.
2 My family has been disgraced, and I intend to clear our name.
3 My family recently came by its title, and that elevation thrust us into a new and strange world.

4 My family has a title, but none of my ancestors have distinguished themselves singained it. ce we

5 My family is filled with remarkable people. I hope to live up to their example.
6 I hope to increase my family’s power and influence.


d6 I became an outlander because ...
1 I spent a lot of time in the wilderness as a youngster, and I came to love that way of life.

2 From a young age, I couldnnature. ’t abide the stink of the cities and preferred to spend my time in

3 I came to understand the darkness that lurks in the wilds, and I vowed to combat it.

4 My people lived on the edges of civilization, and I learned the methods of survivfamily. al from my

5 After a tragedy I retreated to the wilderness, leaving my old life behind.
6 My family moved away from civilization, and I learned to adapt to my new environment.


d6 I became a sage because ...

1 I was naturally curious, so I packed up and went to a university to learn more about the world.

2 My mentor’s teachings opened my mind to new possibilities in that field of study.
3 I was always an avid reader, and I learned much about my favorite topic on my own.

4 I discovered an old library and pored over the texts I found there. That experience awakened a hunger for more knowledge.

5 I impressed a wizard who told me I was squandering my talents and should seek out aneducation to take advantage of my gifts.^

6 One of my parents or a relative gave me a basic education that whetted my appetite, and I

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