Xanathars Guide To Everything (DDB Rip)

(ff) #1

d6 I became a sage because ...
left home to build on what I had learned.


d6 I became a sailor because ...
1 I was press-ganged by pirates and forced to serve on their ship until I finally escaped.
2 I wanted to see the world, so I signed on as a deckhand for a merchant ship.
3 One of my relatives was a sailor who took me to sea.

4 I needed to escape my community quickly, so I stowed away on a ship. When tfound me, I was forced to work for my passage. he crew

5 Reavers attacked my community, so I found refuge on a ship until I could seek vengeance.
6 I had few prospects where I was living, so I left to find my fortune elsewhere.


d6 I became a soldier because ...
1 I joined the militia to help protect my community from monsters.
2 A relative of mine was a soldier, and I wanted to carry on the family tradition.
3 The local lord forced me to enlist in the army.
4 War ravaged my homeland while I was growing up. Fighting was the only life I ever knew.

5 I wanted fame and fortune, so I joined a mercenary company, selling my sword to the highest bidder.

6 Invaders attacked my homeland. It was my duty to take up arms in defense of my people.


d6 I became an urchin because ...
1 Wanderlust caused me to leave my family to see the world. I look after myself.
2 I ran away from a bad situation at home and made my own way in the world.
3 Monsters wiped out my village, and I was the sole survivor. I had to find a way to survive.

4 A notorious thief looked after me and other orphans, and we spied and stole to earn ourkeep.^

5 One day I woke up on the streets, alone and hungry, with no memory of my early childhood.
6 My parents died, leaving no one to look after me. I raised myself.

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