Xanathars Guide To Everything (DDB Rip)

(ff) #1


d6 I became a barbarian because ...
1 My devotion to my people lifted me in battle, making me powerful and dangerous.
2 The spirits of my ancestors called on me to carry out a great task.

3 I lost control in battle one day, and it was as if something else was manipulating my forcing it to kill every foe I could reach. body,

4 I went on a spiritual journey to find myself and instead found a spirit animand inspire me. al to guide, protect,

5 I was struck by lightning and lived. Afterward, I found a new strength within me push beyond my limitations. that let me

6 My anger needed to be channeled into battle, or I risked becoming an indiscriminate killer.


d6 I became a bard because ...
1 I awakened my latent bardic abilities through trial and error.

2 I was a gifted performer and attracted the attention of a master bard whoold techniques. schooled me in the

3 I joined a loose society of scholars and orators to learn new techniques of performanmagic. ce and

4 I felt a calling to recount the deeds of champions and heroes, to bring thestory. m alive in song and

5 I joined one of the great colleges to learn old lore, the secrets of magic, and theperformance. art of

6 I picked up a musical instrument one day and instantly discovered that I could play it.


d6 I became a cleric because ...
1 A supernatural being in service to the gods called me to become a divine agent in the world.
2 I saw the injustice and horror in the world and felt moved to take a stand against them.
3 My god gave me an unmistakable sign. I dropped everything to serve the divine.

4 Although I was always devout, it wasncalling. ’t until I completed a pilgrimage that I knew my true

5 I used to serve in my religionthe message of my faith to the darkest corners of the land. ’s bureaucracy but found I needed to work in the world, to bring

6 I realize that my god works through me, and I do as commanded, even thwhy I was chosen to serve. ough I don’t know

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