Los Angeles Times - 16.11.2019

(Wang) #1




Unlike most 9-year-olds, Pax-
ton Booth rarely has to be told to
clean his room. After playing with
his 1,241 (and counting) Hot
Wheels cars, the actor scoops them
up and neatly parks them on the
turquoise-colored shelves around
his bedroom.
“I do put them away,” said Pax-
ton, who plays Ollie Wrather on the
Disney Channel series “Coop &
Cami Ask the World.” “It sounds
weird, but I can usually tell you ex-
actly where each car is.”
Paxton’s bedroom, in his par-
ents’ Ventura home, houses all the
things he loves — vinyl LPs he finds
at swap meets, lanyards from the
red-carpet events he attends, his
Mickey Mouse ears and a series of
newsboy caps. The bedroom fea-
tures a mash-up of colors — a red
dresser, a fuchsia rug, purple bed-
But it’s the car collection in min-
iature that defines the room. Pax-
ton started acquiring the Mattel
Inc. classic creations when he was
3, when his grandmother handed
him some Hot Wheels that used to
belong to his father.
“It sparked something,” said
Paxton, who also appeared in
“Brooklyn Nine-Nine” on Fox. “It
became a hobby and now it’s an ob-
session, really.”

Do you spend most of your time
in this room?
This house is nearly 100 years

old and the rooms are small. But
this room has a big loft bed so I
have all this room underneath to
play. When I’m playing with my
cars, I usually make tracks on the
ground using my bedding to make
bumps. It’s a whole shebang.
Sometimes, I’ll just sit on this
ladder and look at all my cars.

What else do you like to do in
I love to read mystery stories.
I’m into “Goosebumps” [the chil-
dren’s horror novels] and Geroni-
mo Stilton [the reluctant hero-
mouse of his own adventure se-
ries]. I’m also a big fan of comic
books, like Scooby-Doo.

What else is meaningful to you in
I have an inspiration board
where I put pictures of friends and
family. I also cut out a lot of fashion
ads to see what’s on trend right
now. And I like to keep the lan-
yards from events I go to. My favor-
ite is from the premiere of
“Dumbo” — I’m a fan of Tim Bur-
ton and Danny Elfman, and I got
to meet them both on the same
night. And there’s a snow globe
from my trip to Italy with my fam-

What in here is most meaningful
to you?
I have the original 16-piece set
of Hot Wheels, with replicas of
what they were like in 1968 when
Hot Wheels started. They only
made 1,500 of the sets.

Why do you love Hot Wheels so
I play with mine differently. I
make a story. Every car has its own
personality. Some are faster, and
others are better in the dirt than
on the street. I get lost in the story.
It’s like reading a book or acting —
you get lost in that story. I have
some in their original packaging;
they’re super hard to find. You
don’t want to open them, but
they’re shiny and fun to look at.

Will you keep collecting?
I think the reason I collect is
I’m not allowed to have real cars
yet. But once I get a big car, I’m
still going to be collecting Hot

Do you have a favorite?
I’m going to quote [automotive
designer] Carroll Shelby, who
used to say his favorite was “the
next one.” My favorite is going to
be the next one.


to park

a mini


Disney Channel actor’s
bedroom houses all that he

loves, including a massive

collection of Hot Wheels.

By Kavita Daswani

PAXTON BOOTH,co-star of “Coop & Cami Ask the World,” often plays underneath his loft bed.

Photographs by Jesse GoddardFor The Times

“I MAKEa story” out of playing with the cars, Paxton, 9, says. “Every car has its own personality.”
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