Los Angeles Times - 16.11.2019

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and HP: When a company
runs out of ideas for new
products and new markets
and turns instead to playing
around with corporate
restructuring, the handwrit-
ing is on the wall.
Let’s look at how this has
played out.
Start with Xerox. Its
foray into truly farsighted
innovation was covered in
my 1999 book “Dealers of
Lightning,” which told the
story of the founding and
first years of its Palo Alto
Research Center, the leg-
endary Xerox PARC. Until
well into the 1970s, Xerox
ranked as one of the most
successful corporations on
Earth. The original source of
its almost unimaginable
wealth was the Xerox 914
copier, introduced in 1959,
which revolutionized office
routine by making copies
cheap and fast.
It would later be said that
Xerox became a prisoner of
the vision of Chester Carl-
son, the main inventor of the
914, because it was so very
successful that the company
viewed all aspects of its
business through the 914
That’s true in a sense, but
the company’s most suc-
cessful invention really was
its business model: The 914
could not be purchased but
only leased, with the lease
payments based on how
many pages an office put
through it. This was the
“click,” and the model was so
lucrative that the executive
who reputedly conceived it,
Peter McColough, eventu-
ally became Xerox’s chair-
man and CEO.
Xerox’s franchise eventu-
ally came under attack from
Japanese companies selling
cheaper copiers that could
fit on a desk rather than a
behemoth installed in a
“copier room” to be fed by
secretaries standing in line.
McColough also perceived
that the company was vul-
nerable to technological
developments that might
make paper obsolete in the
office of the future.

As a counterstrike, he
founded PARC and allowed
it to be established in Palo
Alto, as far from the compa-
ny’s Rochester, N.Y., head-
quarters as possible. PARC
was staffed with brilliant
engineers and computer
scientists who rewarded
their independence from
Rochester by inventing the
personal computer, Ether-
net and the laser printer,
among other novelties.
Xerox has been ridiculed
for failing to exploit these
inventions (except the laser
printer, from which it earned
millions), but that’s unfair.
The corporation had a sales
force of hundreds of thou-
sands trained to put big
copier machines into big
The market for PCs
didn’t exist and was scarcely
foreseeable; it would eventu-
ally be exploited by a com-
pany with fewer than 50
employees, Apple — into
which Xerox actually
pumped a few millions in
venture capital. PARC is
now a wholly owned subsidi-
ary of Xerox.
Xerox did put PARC’s
technology into a product,
the Xerox Star, introduced
in 1981. The Star was a gor-
geous machine, integrating
software and hardware so
perfectly it never crashed,
with a graphical display and
point-and-click mouse (I
witnessed a 1998 demo of a
Star cobbled together from
bits and pieces its engineer-
ing team exhumed from,
sometimes, their attics).
But it was conceived on a
Xerox office machine scale,
with a central unit needing
its own room and big desk-
top workstations. A full
networked installation
would cost $250,000 in 1981
dollars. The product failed.
Xerox’s struggles in the
last couple of decades have
been painful to witness. The
stock has almost doubled
this year, but that only puts
it back roughly to where it
was five years ago. The
company’s most recent
innovation was its conver-
sion into a holding company

in July, a nugatory restruc-
turing that has virtually no
impact on shareholders,
customers, or anyone else,
except perhaps for the in-
vestment bankers and law-
yers collecting fees for the
paper shuffling.
The corporate ambition,
according to its 2018 annual
report, is to “return at least
50% of free cash flow to
shareholders” via dividends
and share buybacks. Oh,
yeah, it also says it wants to
“re-energize innovation,”
though its R&D spending of
$397 million last year repre-
sented about 4% of its $9.8
billion in revenue. By com-
parison, Apple spent $16.2
billion on R&D last year.
Granted, Apple is a much
bigger company, with $260
billion in sales, but its R&D
spending is 6% of revenue.
Then there’s HP. The
company’s legend began
with founders David
Packard and Bill Hewlett
inventing an audio oscillator
in a Palo Alto garage (now a
corporate landmark) in 1938.
Not only were the company’s
products standouts in their
field, so was its management
style — nurturing engineer-
ing talent through collabo-
ration and a flat corporate
hierarchy dubbed “manage-
ment by walking around.”
The rapidity of the PC
and internet revolutions
eventually threatened to
leave HP behind. Its most
profitable business model
was a razor-and-blade strat-
egy in its printer line — sell
the printer, and make mon-
ey from repeat purchases of
consumable ink. But those
riches began to wane as
cheap knock-off cartridges
infiltrated the market.
In 1999, HP’s traditional-
ist CEO Lew Platt stepped
down and gave way to Carly
Fiorina, then the CEO of
Lucent Technologies. She
took over a company that
was big in PCs, a stagnant
market with profit margins
close to zero.
As things turned out,
Fiorina’s imagination fo-
cused largely on burnishing
her personal image. She

boasted about HP’s superior
innovation, but in truth HP
technology was all but invisi-
ble in many of its products.
HP marketed “Apple iPod by
HP,” a product identical to
the Apple version except for
an HP logo etched into the
case. Her big consumer
product breakthrough was a
hybrid computer/home-
theater-in-a-box that was a
showcase of other compa-
nies’ innovation — it had a
Microsoft operating system,
ran on an Intel chip and
used Apple’s iTunes as its
music file system. When I
costed out its components
in a 2005 experiment, I found
they could be had separately
for about $900. HP sold the
same things bundled to-
gether for $1,899.99.
Fiorina’s downfall at HP
could be traced to her dou-
bling down on PCs through
the 2002 acquisition of Com-
paq Computer. The deal was
compared by Scott McNealy,
then the head of Sun Micro-
systems, to “two garbage
trucks colliding.” The deal
inspired a ferocious internal
war, with some of the found-
ers’ own children lining up in
opposition. More to the
point, the acquisition failed
to turbocharge HP. Fiorina
was sacked in 2005, after
presiding over a stock slide
of about 60% during her
Her successor, Mark
Hurd, was credited with
turning the company
around, though during his
tenure a scandal erupted at
the board level when it
transpired that some board
members and journalists
had been spied on as the
company searched for the
sources of corporate leaks.
Hurd, who died last month,
was forced out of his job in
2010 amid accusations of
sexual harassment (un-
founded) and financial
misdeeds (validated). He
eventually became CEO of
His eventual successor
was former EBay CEO Meg
Whitman, who took over in
201 1. Whitman touted a
computer based on a hugely

innovative architecture and
called “The Machine,” which
is still in development but
with sharply scaled-back
Whitman’s big idea was
another feat of corporate
restructuring in 2015 — the
hiving off of HP’s business
technology service division
as Hewlett Packard Enter-
prise, with its PC and printer
businesses remaining with
the original company. The
investment community
hasn’t been particularly
thrilled about the move,
since both offspring face
difficult markets and lots of
HP’s third-quarter re-
port was unencouraging,
with printer income down
5% over the year-earlier
period. On the plus side, the
company returned $800
million to shareholders
through dividends and
share repurchases, which
should please the Carl Ic-
ahns of the world.
It’s fair to assume that
good and innovative work is
still being done at Xerox and
HP, both of which employ
platoons of talented engi-
neers and scientists. Indeed,
HP’s Spectre x360 laptop,
refreshed late last year, has
received sterling reviews in
the consumer tech press.
Will the proposed merger
be a plus for these compa-

nies or a minus? Toni Sac-
conaghi, a tech analyst at
Sanford C. Bernstein, is
among the doubters. “The
traditional printing and
copying business is slowly
collapsing,” he said in a note
to clients. Mischievously,
according to Fortune, he
titled his analysis, “Xerox
buying HPQ: Brilliance? A
Dare? ‘Two Garbage Trucks
It’s hard to imagine a
tradition of truly ground-
breaking work arising from a
merger of two companies
determined to cut costs. The
sad truth is that most corpo-
rations, especially in tech-
nology, get one or perhaps
two cracks at reaching the
business pinnacle and fewer
can stay there.
IBM, General Electric,
Apple and Microsoft have
shown that it’s possible to
survive a few turns of the
wheel, but the first two are
struggling and the latter two
have had their ups and
downs. For the most part,
yesterday’s kings of the hill
are doomed today or tomor-
row to drift off, like old
pensioners, into the sunset.

Keep up to date with
Michael Hiltzik. Follow
@hiltzikm on Twitter, see
his Facebook page, or email

Merging HP and Xerox may

be the only way to save them

[Hiltzik,from C1]

XEROX CEO Joseph C. Wilson holds 2,400 copies
produced in one hour at a 1964 N.Y. press conference.

Associated Press
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