National Geographic Traveler USA - 12.2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1





e’ve been around the world for 35 years,
and along the way we’ve collected stories.
Lots of stories. Geographical explorations,
cultural expositions, historical quests, adventurous
yarns, voyages of discovery, sound journeys, road trips,
revelatory romps, secret missions, daring escapes,
postcards from the edge. You name it, we ran it. And
we loved every word, every picture, every tale.
Stories are what we bring to the campfire. But the
spark comes when a story finds an audience and when
that audience carries the story onward. Once an idea
takes root in a curious mind who knows where it will
end up? While our greatest stories have no end, this
magazine does. With the publication of this issue,
Traveler will retire. But we won’t be on vacation: we

The Story of

Our Lives

Travel tales define us and
grow through sharing

The festival of
Galungan, in Bali,
honors ancestral
spirits, kindness,
and harmony.

will channel our energies into storytelling online at, into our weekly newsletter,
on Instagram, on Facebook, in our 17 international
editions, and in the pages of National Geographic
magazine, where we will publish thrilling tales of
adventure and discovery through travel.
As editors, writers, photographers, designers,
and magazine professionals, we have been honored
to share our stories with you; and we love it when you
share your stories with us. One of my favorite letters
came from Louise Cox, a retired teacher in LaFayette,
Alabama. Cox has visited all 50 states, most of Canada,
80 countries, and all seven “new” wonders of the world.
She sent me a note with a picture of herself holding
Traveler, posing above a waterfall. “I celebrated my
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