Spotlight - 14.2019

(Grace) #1
Spotlight PLUS


Figures and currencies

On page 57, Ken Taylor has advice on how to write figures and currencies in
English. Here, you get a chance to practise what you have learned.

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  1. World currencies

How well do you know these common currencies?
Match the names to their symbols.

A. dollar
B. cent
C. lira
D. krone / krona
E. pound sterling
F. yen / yuan

1. £

  1. $

  2. ¥

  3. ¢

  4. kr


Englisch für den Beruf

  1. An all-nighter

Use the words from the list to complete the dialogue below.

abbreviation | currency | guidance | recommend | represent | sequence

Andrew: Good morning, Remy. Oh! Why do you look so tired?
Remy: I’ve been here since yesterday working on this proposal, but I’m
still stuck on some points. Do you think you could give me some
Andrew: Yes, I (B) you go home and get some sleep!
Remy: That is very funny. Hey, do you think I could maybe use “B” to
(C) “billion”? That would save some time in
Andrew: I wouldn’t use that (D). It might cause all
sorts of confusion. By the way, are you sure you’re using the correct
Remy: Oh, no! That’s right — I need to use the pound symbol!
Andrew: I think your (F) might be wrong here, too.
The amount should be followed by “K”, not the other way round.

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