Spotlight - 14.2019

(Grace) #1

44 Spotlight 14/2019 BUSINESS ENGLISH

At a later meeting, Jane, William, Cath-
erine, and Chris discuss some details.
Look at the abbreviations they use in their
conversation and find out if you know
what they mean.

Jane: I’m confused. What is our
ECD? I thought it was the
end of the year.
Catherine: If we follow our SOP without
any delays, we should meet
our deadline. Let’s just work
the way we always do.
William: Well, if there are delays, they
should be dealt with by the
DRI, not by anyone else. If
you break it, you fix it!
Chris: I thought this meeting was
about our website. We’re get-
ting off the subject. How are
we going to present our USP
online so that people will feel
they need our product?
Catherine: Yes. That’s is the most impor-
tant thing. We’re a business.
We will need to show the
CFO our ROI after the first
six months of being online.
Otherwise, he might cancel
the project completely. Our
investors want to make a prof-
Jane: OK, one thing we should
definitely have are PPC ads.
Every time a user clicks on
one, we make money.
William: Yes, and we should have
green CTA buttons. Users
click mostly on green but-
tons. Once they click, we’ll be
a step closer to gaining a pay-
ing customer. “Click here for
more information!”
Jane: Yes, but that’s just an RFI. We
need users to want more than
Chris: Exactly! We have to do some
CRO, so that users will actu-
ally buy the product — con-
verting clicks into cash. We’ll
be in the money, and then we
can all take really long vaca-
Jane: Ha! Don’t be so sure! They’ll
probably all turn into bleisure

A. “ECD” means...

  1. expected completion date.

  2. expert corporate deal.

B. “SOP” means...

  1. sale of product.

  2. standard operating proce-

C. “DRI” means...

  1. director of risk initiatives.

  2. directly responsible individ-

D. “USP” means...

  1. unique selling point/

  2. universal sales product.

E. “CFO” means...

  1. corporate finance official.

  2. chief financial officer.

F. “ROI” means...

  1. response of internet.

  2. return on investment.

G. “PPC” means...

  1. promotional public content.

  2. pay-per-click.

H. “CTA” means...

  1. call to action.

  2. company target ads.

I. “RFI” means...

  1. request for information.

  2. risk-free inquiry.

J. “CRO” means...

  1. conversion-rate optimiza-

  2. client response options.

Bonus question:
K. A “bleisure trip” is...

  1. a trip you have to blog about
    for business purposes.

  2. a trip that combines busi-
    ness and leisure.

Here is a list of phrases that are use-
ful in business situations. You might
want to cut it out and take it with you
to your next meeting.

Contacting people

  • get back to someone

  • give someone a heads-up

  • reach out to someone

  • touch base with someone
    Understanding and agreeing

  • be aligned on something

  • be on the same page

  • be out of the loop
    Planning and strategizing

  • avoid boiling the ocean

  • do some back-of-the-envelope calculations

  • end up with a win-win situation

  • get down to business

  • have a kick-off meeting

  • identify low-hanging fruit

  • do some blue-sky thinking

  • it’s a no-brainer

  • it’s not rocket science

  • think outside the box
    Moving ahead

  • do a deep dive

  • expedite something

  • going forward,...

  • maximize a process

  • optimize a process

  • rely on the gig economy

  • streamline a process

  • take something to the next level

  • CFO – chief financial officer

  • CRO – conversion-rate optimization

  • CTA – call to action

  • DRI – directly responsible individual

  • ECD – expected completion date

  • SOP – standard operating procedure

  • PPC – pay-per-click

  • RFI – request for information

  • ROI – return on investment

  • USP – unique selling point / proposition

, Abkürzung
ad (advertisement) [Äd]
, Werbung, Anzeige
convert [kEn(v§:t]
, verwandeln, um­
get off [get (O:f]
, hier: abweichen von

inquiry [(InkwEri]
, Anfrage
return [ri(t§:n]
, hier: Rendite
unique selling point /
[ju)ni:k (selIN pOInt /
, Alleinstellungsmerk­


Illustration: Top Vectors/
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