Spotlight - 14.2019

(Grace) #1

58 Spotlight 14/2019 THE BASICS


Easy English

Here, you’ll find a dialogue and interesting
facts related to it — at the A2 level of English.


Here, we present interesting lives from around the English-
speaking world. This time, we talk to Phil Maloney, an on-call

What is an on-call firefighter?
I work full-time in an office, but when I get a call, I leave my desk
and become a firefighter. I get about two calls a week, mostly for
road accidents and fires.

Are there a lot of on-call firefighters?
Yes. About 60 per cent of us are only on-call, or part-time.
We don’t need a whole team of full-time firefighters. We’re all
fully trained, and we have a training session every week. We’re
paid, too.

Is December a busy time for firefighters?
There are always more fires at Christmas. You have candles and
tea lights around the house, and you leave the matches or lighter
where your kids can find them. Alcohol makes people careless,
too. You leave the pan on the cooker. It’s cold, so you get out that
old electric heater and put it on “max”...

OK, do you have a safety message for us?
Test your smoke alarm every month and change the batteries on
New Year’s Day. Make it your New Year’s resolution!

Show and tell
Now, find out about US firefighters’ favourite dog: the Dalma-

The Dalmatian is a lucky dog for American firefighters. Toy
Dalmatians are often seen on board fire trucks as lucky mascots,
and some firehouses even have a real Dalmatian as a pet.

Firefighters and Dalmatians have been partners for many
years. They have worked together since the mid-19th century,
when fire wagons were pulled by horses. The Dalmatians ran
with the wagon. They could bark to warn people that the wag-
on was coming. While the firefighters were busy with the fire,
the dogs would guard the wagon.
Horses are often afraid of fire, and
firefighters thought that the dogs
helped to calm the nervous horses.

If your children watch the pop-
ular cartoon PAW Patrol (Helfer
auf vier Pfoten), you can now tell
them why Marshall, the fire-
fighter dog, is a Dalmatian.

bark [bA:k]
, bellen
cooker [(kUkE] UK
, Herd
Dalmatian [dÄl(meIS&n]
, Dalmatiner
lighter [(laItE]
, Feuerzeug

mascot [(mÄskEt]
, Maskottchen, Talisman
match [mÄtS]
, Streichholz
on-call [Qn (kO:l]
, Bereitschafts-
pan [pÄn]
, Pfanne, Topf

resolution [)rezE(lu:S&n]
, hier: guter Vorsatz
tea light [(ti: laIt]
, Teelicht

Are you “on fire” — really
excited — about what you’ve
read on this page? Then do
our exercises in Spotlight plus:

Illustrationen: Martin Haake; donatas 1205/; Fotos: Valerie Loiseleux, alvarez/

Phil Maloney, firefighter Cabinet of curiosities
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