Spotlight - 14.2019

(Grace) #1

74 Spotlight 14/2019 FEEDBACK

Liebe Frau Bucher
herzlichen Dank noch einmal für Ihren
Besuch bei uns in der Redaktion und
die interessanten Gespräche. Sie hatten
erwähnt, dass die Prüfungen, auf die Sie
Ihre Schüler vorbereiten, in der Regel
Lese- und Hörverständnis-Übungen
mit drei Antwortoptionen umfassen:
„Wahr“, „Falsch“ und „Nicht im Text“.
Sie hatten angeregt, diese dritte Option
auch unseren Verständnis-Übungen im
Spotlight Übungsheft plus hinzuzufügen.
Wir haben uns Ihren Vorschlag selbst-
verständlich zu Herzen genommen. Ab
der Ausgabe 12 von plus finden Sie auf
Seite 20 eine Hörverständnis-Übung
mit jetzt drei Ankreuzmöglichkeiten:
„True“, „False“ und „Not mentioned in
text“. Wir wünschen Ihnen weiterhin
viel Spaß mit Spotlight und freuen uns auf
weiteres Feedback. Herzliche Grüße aus
der Redak tion
Petra Daniell, language editor

Dear Ms Sharp, dear Spotlight Team
I have admired your work on this great

magazine for a long time. It is one of my
favourite magazines, with which I have
really been able to improve my English.
Now I can even read novels and some
newspapers. I would recommend Spotlight
to anyone who would like to improve his
or her English. I really like all the travel re-
ports, the columns, the short stories and
the language pages.
Could you please do a story about the
various accents in English, or special
words — for example, in Welsh, Scottish
or Irish? I often listen to the different
BBC channels, and I am really interested
in the accents. Kind regards
Luis Pintak, by post

Dear Mr Pintak
Thank you very much for your letter. It
is gratifying for us to hear that readers
like the different sections of the maga-
zine. The language pages, for example,
are written by a group of experts and are
chock-full of information about vocabu-
lary, grammar and usage. Yet each section
— The Grammar Page, Everyday English,

etc. — is short enough not to overwhelm
the learner. These pages are a valuable,
easy-to-use resource for learning English.
The other sections you mention, such
as travel, the columns and the short story,
are designed to help readers improve their
English-language skills in a light-hearted,
entertaining way. We are glad you think
this works. As regards accents, we appre-
ciate this idea and will discuss how best
to address it for a broad range of readers.
Best regards
Claudine Weber-Hof, deputy editor

Factfulness is a 2018 book by the late Swed-
ish physician and statistician Hans Ros-
ling and two co-authors. Bill Gates called
it one of the most important books he has
ever read.
Ola Rosling, one of the co-authors,
created the word “factfulness” in 2015.
Steven Pinker, a famous Canadian-Amer-
ican author, cognitive scientist, and lin-
guist, thinks it should guide our think-
ing as a society. In a recent interview, he
argued for looking at situations through
a lens of “factfulness” — data and facts —
instead of using our strong cognitive bias
towards anecdotes to understand things.
For example, in the year after the 9/11
terrorist attacks, Pinker says 1,500 Ameri-
cans who were too scared to fly died in car
accidents, “unaware that a Boston-LA air
trip has the same risk as driving 12 miles.”


“We need to make ‘factfulness’ ... an inher-
ent part of the culture of education, jour-
nalism, commentary, and politics.”
— Steven Pinker in The Harvard Gazette

The habit of maintaining only those
opinions for which you have strong
supporting facts.




by Claudine Weber-Hof

bias [(baIEs]
, Voreingenommenheit,
cognitive scientist
[)kA:gnEtIv (saIEntEst]
, Kognitionswissen-
inherent [In(hIrEnt]
, dazugehörend

late [leIt]
, verstorben
physician [fI(zIS&n]
, Arzt, Ärztin
, Statistiker(in)






Deutschland € 8,50CH sfr 13,90A·E ·I ·L ·SK: € 9,60

12 / 2019 (^12) — 19
Danger on the high seasHow pirates, fat cats and slavers
use shipping for crimePolitical intrigue in London
A new case for Dorothy Winslow, amateur detective
CRIME Danger on the high seas • LANGUAGE Common mistakes • TRAVEL The Lake District
document5239677220405996817.indd 1 02.09.19 15:29
The^ Re
adYour ers’ Issue
experiencestravel and learning
Game of moansof complainingThe language
VokabeltrainerTeil 3: Freizeit Gratis
Deutschland € 8,50CH sfr 13,90A·E ·I ·L ·SK: € 9,60
13 / 2019 (^13) — 19
THE READERS’ ISSUE Your tips • LANGUAGE How to complain • TRAVEL Ireland
IRELANDDiscover the drama
of Ireland’s Norse history
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