Spotlight - 14.2019

(Grace) #1
Spotlight PLUS


Wortschatz 14/2019
An on-call firefighter

In “Easy English” (page 58), Vanessa Clark talks to Phil Maloney about his job as
an on-call firefighter. Here, you can practise what you’ve learned.

Have another
look at what
says about
firefighters and
and Dalmatians
have been
partners for
many years.
They have
together since
the mid-19th
This is the
present perfect
tense. It links
the past and
the present.
The men and
the dogs were
partners in the
past and they
are partners in
the present. To
specify a time,
use “for” +
period of time
or “since” +
point of time.

  1. “For” or “since”?

Complete the sentences below with “for” or “since”.

A. Phil has been a firefighter 15 years.
B. He has been a firefighter 2004.
C. We have had our pet Dalmatian the start of June.
D. We have had her six months.
E. She has been in the garden more than an hour.




  1. True or false?

How carefully have you read the “Easy English” page? Test yourself here by
deciding whether the sentences below are true (T) or false (F).

A. Phil goes to road accidents as well as fires.
B. Most of the firefighters in Phil’s team work full-time.
C. He is paid for his work as a firefighter.
D. The Dalmatian is a luck-bringing mascot for American firefighters.
E. In the 19th century, Dalmatians pulled fire wagons.

  1. On fire!

Complete each sentence below with the correct “on” phrase from the list.

on board | on-call | on fire | on “max” | on New Year’s Day

A. Phil is an firefighter.
B. Toy Dalmatians are often seen fire trucks.
C. In the winter, you can put an electric heater.
D. Change the batteries in your smoke alarm.
E. Help! My house is!
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