National Geographic History - 01.2019 - 02.2019

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He tried his first case in 81 B.C., and then success-
fully defended a man accused of parricide—a
bright beginning to Cicero’s public life.
Marriage at age 27 into a wealthy family
brought him the necessary funds to continue
to rise. After he wed in 79 B.C., Cicero’s career
took off, and he rapidly rose through the ranks
He was elected quaestor in 75, praetor
consul in 63, the highest political of
republic. Cicero was one of the young
reach that high office.

Consul and Conspiracy
Wielders of imperium, Roman autho
ity, consuls held executive power i

in his nose resembling the cleft of a chickpea.
Cicero’s family was wealthy but did not be-
long to the patrician class, the aristocracy of
Rome. His family belonged to the equestrian
class, which sat below the patricians and above
the plebeians, the working class of the republic.
His family had strong military connections, but
not the political ones necessary for the career in
government desired by Cicero.
Educated in Rome and in Greece, Cicero aimed
to scale the political ladder as quickly as pos-
sible. He would do so as a novus homo, new man,
a term which signified that his family did not
come from the ruling class. Cicero served briefly
in the military before turning to a career in law.

Part of the Cross
of Lothair, a cameo
(below) depicts
Octavian after he
became emperor
of Rome. Circa
AD1000 Aachen

Cicero is reunited with Pompey
in Greece. After Pompey’s
forces are defeated at Pharsalus,
Cicero returns to Rome and is
superficially reconciled with
Caesar. He retires to his rural
villa, where he writes poetry.

48 b.c.

Five months after the assassination of
Julius Caesar, Cicero releases the first
of his Philippics, a series of 14 speeches
in which he bitterly decries the power-
hungry consul Mark Antony. Cicero
requests that the Senate declare Mark
Antony a public enemy, but they refuse.

44 b.c.

On December 7
Mark Antony has
Cicero killed and
then displays Cicero
severed head and rig
hand on the rostrum
the Forum.

43 b.c.

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A.D.1000, Aachen
Cathedral Treasury

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