National Geographic History - 01.2019 - 02.2019

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This wonderful needlepoint kit was designed by Magie Hollingworth based on a picture supplied
by Jeanette Newman. Jeanette has a farm in Australia with 1,000 Angus cattle, 5 stock horses to
muster the cattle and 100 sheep to keep the grass down.

“Lamington was found near his mother who was killed by a fox. He was barely a few hours old and
was bleating and distressed. Despite my encouragement the other ewes showed no interest in him
and as a below zero night was fast approaching I tucked him inside my coat and walked back to the
He was kept by the open fi re during the days and at night slept amongst the boots in our boot room
with an oil heater keeping him warm and dry. After a few days of warm milk his sight developed, as
did his balance. I loved his 4am feeds when he would fall asleep in my lap and I would tell him how
special he would always be.
No matter how long we live I will never forget the love I feel for Lamington who found his way into
my life. Because of Magie’s brilliance and Ehrman tapestries our tiny lamb, who had the worst start in
life, can now be stitched, recreated and loved by people all over the world.”

The kit comes with everything you need: the 100% cotton canvas printed in full color, all the wools
required (100% pure new wool), a needle, a color chart and an easy to follow guide to get you

16.5” x 12”. 12 holes to the inch canvas
Free download pdf