National Geographic History - 05.2019 - 06.2019

(sharon) #1




Mystery surrounds the rituals that

were undertaken once the barks

arrived in procession at the Temple of

Luxor. The illustration depicts Opet

during or after the reign of Ramses II.

The barks of Amun, Mut, and Khons

have passed through Ramses’

monumental first pylon into the first

court. From here, it is believed the

procession entered the second court,

and from there made its way into the

innermost sanctuary for secret and

sacred rituals.

1 Avenue of Sphinxes
In the early iterations of Opet under Queen
Hatshepsut, the barks arrived at Luxor along this
avenue lined with sphinxes. Later, the barks made the
round-trip to and from Luxor by river.

2 The first court
The illustration shows the Temple of Luxor’s first
court, built by Ramses II. On the northwest side of
the court stood the triple shrine where the bark of
Amun would be placed.

3 The sacred barks
At first, only Amun was borne to Luxor. This
depiction shows how Opet evolved to include not
only the bark of Amun but also the barks of Mut
and Khons.

4 The populace
The spectacle inspired awe in the public. Ordinary
Egyptians were admitted to the outer courts to
take part in the offerings of food, which was later
distributed among them.

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