National Geographic History - 07.2019 - 07.2019

(Michael S) #1


Botticelli needed patrons to fund his works,
and he found financial backing among the pow-
erful Medici family of Florence. The Medici
commissioned a variety of projects from the
artist, including portraits, religious scenes, and
allegorical depictions of mythological figures.
In his commissions for the Medici, Botticelli
carefully selected subject matter, symbols, and

poses to exalt the family and celebrate their
Renaissance virtues. Placing the Medici in reli-
gious scenes, as in the 1475-76 work “Adoration
of the Magi,” served to cast them in a pious
light, reflecting the belief of the time: That the
rich and powerful could be devout Christians
while pursuing wealth and worldliness at the
same time.

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