Th e Unimaginable, Accomplished
hroughout the ages, men and women have gazed at the Moon in
wonder. Th e Moon had long been a source of mystery, the subject
of poetry and dreams—a distant object humankind could only
imagine. With the dawn of a new era, though, that began to change. On
May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy set forth a challenging new
goal for the United States: perform a crewed lunar landing and return
safely to Earth before the end of the decade. On July 16, 1969 the crew
of Apollo 11 set out to achieve this goal – being the fi rst to land on the
Moon. Four days later, on July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong took “one small
step for man and one giant leap for mankind”, becoming the fi rst person
to set foot on another planetary body.
Now, 50 years later, we celebrate this momentous event, which has
today led us to think of the Moon as a destination beckoning us toward
its continued exploration, now and in the years to come.
From the launch of Apollo 11, through its journey to the Moon and
back, the world watched. With excitement and tension building from lift -
off to splashdown, humankind stood in awe, witnessing three brave men,
Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, as their craft
maneuvered through re-entry and splashed down in the Pacifi c Ocean.
Licensed by the Smithsonian, Philatelic Mint and island nations from
the South Pacifi c have now issued postage stamps honoring the mission
accomplished by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
and the three men who dared to do what no one had done
on the Moon.
Now you can join in celebrating this historic event with a stunning
limited edition collection of postage stamps developed in collaboration
with the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum, a collection
that walks you through the wonders of the journey that the world held
its collective breath to watch 50 years ago.
In July 1969 the United States Postal Service issued a commemo-
rative stamp to honor the event, picturing Mission Commander Neil
Armstrong planting the US fl ag on the lunar surface. We are privi-
leged to have a limited number of that 1969 US stamp, and to off er it to
you as part of this collection on a fi rst come, fi rst served basis.
50th Anniversary Apollo 11 Postage Stamp Collection by Philatelic Mint
Twenty-seven offi cial postage stamps commemorating this event displayed in an educational presentation packet
Kingdom of Tonga
Cook Islands
Cook Islands
Kingdom of Tonga $5.00
Kingdom of Tonga
Kingdom of Tonga
Kingdom of Tonga
APOLLO11 2019
APOLLO11 2019
©Philatelic Mint, Inc. 2019
Kingdom of Tonga
Order Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum
50th Anniversary Apollo 11 Postage Stamp Collection by Philatelic Mint:, call 866.775.9642 or fi ll out & mail form below.
Enclosed is my payment of $37.00
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(Price includes free shipping)
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Make Checks payable to:
Philatelic Mint, Inc. Post Offi ce Box 3162, Sag Harbor NY 11963
All orders subject to availability. Allow 4-6 weeks delivery. 30 day money-back guarantee.
Philatelic Mint Inc. reserves the right to limit this off er to two per customer.
Toll Free: 866.775.9642 | Order Now: | Email: [email protected]