The Washington Post - 14.11.2019

(Barré) #1

the washington post


thursday, november





started. Then you have to keep

going. I’m really interested in the

tricks people come up with. Here

are some of my favorites:

“Every year, we use the period

between Christmas and New

Year’s to attack one room, taking

everything out and throwing

away what we don’t want or need,

says Tom Fulcher, 61, of the Dis-

trict. “The rule is, if you wouldn’t

buy it in a store today, it doesn’t

need to be taking up room in the

house now.”

Sally Spencer, 70, of San Fran-

cisco keeps boxes for donations in

every room.

Shannon Wold, 56, of Scotts-

dale, Ariz., has two rules: Get rid

of a bag of something every time a

donation truck is in the area, and

get rid of two pieces of clothing

for every new one.

Julie Mueller, 63, of Falls

Church tries to toss 10 things each


Betsy Mitchell, 64, from Park-

ton, Md., asks herself five ques-

tions about any possession: Is it

useful? Is it beautiful? Do I have

an attachment to it — and, if so, is

it easy to display or store? Can it

be easily and inexpensively re-

placed if I decide I want it later?

Can someone else make better use

of the item than I do?

Look to family and friends

Several people expressed dis-

comfort with throwing out or do-

nating “special things” but said it

was made easier by knowing

where they were going. Robby

Champion, 75, of Staunton, Va.,

devoted a giveaway space in his

garage and invited friends and

family to take whatever they

could use. “So far it’s working and

it’s fun,” he said.

Linda Low Kalkstein, 70, of La

Jolla, Calif., and her daughter are

enjoying sharing memories while

they repurpose her high school

and college T-shirts into quilts.

David Kravitz, 66, of Fairfax

County said he found it impossi-

ble to throw away or donate shirts

his late mother made for him

during his “hippie years” or the

wide-lapeled suit he wore when

he married his late wife. “I real-

ized I could donate them to a

theater I regularly attend. This

was especially appropriate, be-

cause for many years my mother

helped a hometown theater group

with their props. That connection

helped turn pain to pleasure.”

Carol Henson, 73, and her hus-

band housed their children’s be-

longings through grad school, the

Peace Corps and apartment living

but finally reached their limit.

They rented a truck, packed up

the stuff and drove from their

Greenville, S.C., home to their

children’s new homes, where they

unloaded possessions on each

doorstep. “Our sons and daughter

knew we were driving for a visit,

but their stuff was a total surprise.


These days, Americans don’t

agree on much, but we know this:

We’ve got too much stuff.

Baby boomers, especially are

feeling as if the possessions we

have bought or been given are

weighing us down. For weeks, I’ve

been talking with boomers about

approaching life after 50 with

curiosity and enthusiasm, as part

of a Washington Post newsletter

series called Bold School. Many of

us are saying it’s time to pare

down and reevaluate our habits.

I could watch Marie Kondo

magically change lives for hours.

Doing it myself, however, is not so

entertaining. It’s hard! How do

you decide what to toss — and

how to toss it — without burden-

ing others?

We asked people who have

been through the process to tell us

their stories. Some just needed a

push to get started. Others fo-

cused on a goal, such as traveling.

Some were methodical, others

ruthless and unsentimental. One

woman said she takes items away

when her husband isn’t home.

“And he doesn’t miss most items.”

For many, getting rid of the

extra stuff is freeing, but not ev-

eryone shares that joy. Read on

for some real-world insight and

inspiration, most of it sent in by

Post readers.

Understand your ‘why’

For some, understanding the

motivation for decluttering can

make the process easier.

Liese Sadler, 59, and her hus-

band wanted to live on a sailboat,

so the Charlotte couple sold most

of their belongings. “Twenty years

later, we are thinking of moving to

Europe, so we will sell what we

can and give away the rest. Hav-

ing something exciting to look

forward to really helps.”

Diana Carew, 73, of Whidbey

Island, Wash., has no storage

“Now, if we receive a gift, it goes in

the donation sack we keep in the

garage. The mental lift in being

clutter-free is indescribably free-

ing — a happy place to be.”

Michele Postal, 69, of Eugene,

Ore., is motivated by the thought

of passing on something mean-

ingful. “It’s easy to [pass down]

the 40-year-old Christmas tree

star when your granddaughter

thinks it’s the most beautiful star

she’s ever seen,” she says.

For Olga Yuri, 62, of the Dis-

trict, decluttering is more about

responsibility. “If something hap-

pens to us, who will have to do all

this?... I must tell you that I

loved it! I found my calling!”

Make a plan and stick to it

Nothing about decluttering is

easy. First you have to actually get

It was well worth it for the space

we gained and the expressions on

their faces.”

But keep what matters

“Stuff links us to the past and

the people we care about,” ex-

plains Mary Reed, 66, of North

Las Vegas. “If you have something

that evokes strong, good emo-

tions, then keep it. If you’ve kept a

room as a shrine to a loved one,

get counseling and let go of the

stuff when you can. My father

died when I was 16, and my moth-

er gave me his favorite rocking

chair. It was the last place I saw

my dad alive and I hung on to that

chair for decades until I gave the

chair to my son. My dad lives on in

my heart.”

Where to donate

If you’re feeling inspired, The

Post has covered organizations

that will accept donations, but

readers also had some favorites.

Judith Dollenmayer, 77, of the

District recommends ReStore,

the Habitat for Humanity store

that accepts used household

goods (no mattresses or sheets)

and furniture and will even repair

some items before sale. Other

suggestions included churches

that help resettle refu gee fami-

lies, consignment shops for crys-

tal and silver, library sales that

will take books and CDs, plus yard

sales, shelters and thrift shops.

If you’re looking to make a little

money, others recommend turn-

ing to Maxsold, Facebook Market-

place, Craigslist, eBay and Chair-


Before you donate...

Karla Forsythe, 69, of Portland,

Ore., who volunteers at a nonprof-

it organization that provides low-

income families with gently used

furniture and household goods,

says: “Please do not donate grun-

gy and broken items. A cloth nap-

kin with stains, or a measuring

spoon set with spoons missing, or

faded socks, or a Keurig missing

some parts are going to the land-

fill.” Instead, what is needed are

working appliances, towels in

good shape, clean mattresses, so-

fas, dressers, dish sets that can be

put in a dishwasher or micro-

wave, spatulas, and sheet sets

(especially queen).

“And please stop buying so

much that is just decorative or

cheap,” she says. “Visit an estate

sale or Goodwill to buy things you

need. We have a recycling crisis.

Learn how to recycle correctly

and put the rest in the garbage.”

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every Monday for 12 weeks.

You probably have too much stuff. Here’s how to pare it down.


Linda Low Kalkstein and her daughter are bonding while repurposing her old T-shirts into a quilt.


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