the washington post
thursday, november
You’ve earned coverage that offers
one of the nation’s largest dental networks.
A MetLife Dental Plan gives you access to over 434,000 dentist locations.
With us, you and your family will receive child and adult orthodontia
coverage, enjoy high annual maximums, and pay no out-of-pocket costs
for in-network cleanings and exams once every six months. Plus, there’s
no waiting period to begin receiving your benefits. So be sure to enroll in
the plan that’s with you wherever you are.
FEDVIP Open Season ends December 9, 2019 EST.
Wherever Old Glory
proudly waves, MetLife
Federal Dental is with you.
*Subject to frequency limitations. Savings from enrolling in the MetLife Federal Dental plan will depend on various factors, including how often you visit the dentist and the cost of services rendered. Like most group benefit programs, benefit
programs offered by MetLife contain exclusions, exceptions, limitations, and terms for keeping them in force. Contact MetLife for costs and complete details. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company | 200 Park Avenue | New York, NY 10166
L0919517824[exp0920][All States] © 2019 METLIFE, INC.
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