
(Nora) #1

France: Lung Cancer Country Profile

France performs fairly well across all five domains, scoring ’high’ in the second domain, ‘moderately high’ in the first and fourth

domains, ‘moderate’ in the fifth, and ‘moderately low ’ in the third. The third domain’s performance is because neither timeframes

nor fast-tracking for diagnostic testing is discussed, and there is no rapid referral or pathway to secondary or tertiary care. The fifth

domain’s performance is because France’s cancer registry is rated high quality on a regional basis, not national, and the complete

vital registration component is medium quality. The first domain improves with development of a lung cancer specific control

plan, identification of a funding source in the National Cancer Control Plan, and a discussion on screening in the clinical guidelines.

Addressing reimbursement of histological tests and including psychological support pathways in the guidelines will improve the

fourth domain. We discuss opportunities for improvement at the end of this country profile.

There is hope that lung cancer diagnosis and treatment will be aided by the launch in autumn 2019 of the Health Data Hub. The

Hub is a unique health database in which a digital patient identity will be developed by matching biologic and behavioural data

to provide diagnostic assistance or monitor therapeutic progress. It will encompass a clinical registry, including information on

treatment and reimbursement, and combine health data from a range of sources. Workshop participants noted the stigma still

surrounding lung cancer in France and stressed the importance of psychological support and palliative care, both of which should

be initiated at diagnosis.

Summary scorecard
Domain Austria Belgium Finland France Netherlands Norway Poland Romania Spain Sweden UK

Lung cancer
is a strategic


Lung cancer
is a public
health issue


Lung cancer
is a race
against time


Lung cancer
is at a


Lung cancer
is a focus for



Low Moderately low Moderate Moderately high High

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