The need to build on recent progress
- mandatory reporting, leading to the
creation of a national cancer registry; - creation of an advisory commission with
scientific academic professional and civil
society participants; and - creation of a national fund (Fondo
Nacional del Cáncer) to finance initiatives
in prevention, surveillance and research.^56
In March 2019 the project was approved
by the Senate, with certain aspects still
being discussed and reviewed by the Health
Commission. Funding has been secured
so far for the purchase of equipment and
for a cancer registry,^57 but more general
financial resources attached to the law are
the subject of an ongoing debate. “This may
prove one of the most challenging stages of
the project. We are hopeful it signs,” adds
Dr Nervi.
(^56) Ministerio de Salud. “Ley Nacional de Cáncer fue aprobada en general por el Senado”, 2019.
(^57) Carolina Goic, “Ley Nacional del Cáncer: una promesa incumplida”, El Mostrador, 2019.