The need to build on recent progress
With the aim of improving the reach,
efficiency and continuity of cancer services,
the Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades
Neoplásicas (INEN) developed a telehealth
platform offering services for cancer
protection, promotion, prevention and
rehabilitation in three regions of Peru.
INEN’s telehealth programme began in 2015
with the creation of a satellite chemotherapy
centre in the region of San Martín.^76 To d a y,
the national cancer institute based in Lima
reports that the network currently operates
through seven hospitals, five in Lima and
two in the regions of San Martín and Cusco.
For Dr Sarria, “a priority is taking advantage
of innovative approaches to reach more
Peruvians through technology”.
The initiative was developed following
one of the lines of action in the “Plan
Esperanza”, on technological renovation,
and it complements the already well-
established capacity of Peru in telehealth.
Operated by the Ministry of Health, Peru
has the largest telehealth network (Red
Nacional de Telesalud) in the region, with
1,003 health centres connected, including
primary, secondary and community
mental health services.^77 The network has
already facilitated the expansion of breast-
cancer screening services, such as tele-
mammography that has served more than
11,000 women to date.^78
INEN’s telehealth system is based on
an original approach developed by the
institution. The first step is a consultation
in person in INEN (Lima) for a diagnosis.
The following consultations and checks are
done remotely. Through videoconference,
INEN reviews clinical history and supervises
chemotherapy treatments. Clinical
discussions (tumour boards) are also held
over the platform between the satellite
centre and INEN.^79
The institute currently offers the services of
consultations, diagnosis, oncology, pain and
palliative care, chemotherapy, monitoring,
emergency, pathology, and radiology.
Consultations may be in the form of
electronic file-sharing for clinical advice, or
live conference, involving medical staff, but
they can also involve the patient.^80
In operation since 2018, the service is set to
facilitate treatment and case resolution in
remote regions and to support knowledge
transfer across the country. The educational
component is an important one, as the
network offers training services to the
medical community, and managerial
support, with significant impact so far.
In 2018, 5,500 health professionals were
served with tele-education in prevention,
diagnosis, treatment and research. The
target for 2019 is 8,000.^81 There is interest
in exploring more technological solutions
to address Peru’s cancer needs at INEN:
“We are exploring geolocation as a tool
to enhance monitoring of cancer,” says Dr
Enabling cancer care through telehealth in Peru
(^76) Ministerio de Salud, “Principales resultados del INEN para la prevención y el control del cáncer en el marco del Plan Esperanza”, 2016.
(^77) Gob.pe, “Red Nacional de Telesalud superó los mil establecimientos de salud interconectados en todo el país”, 2018.
(^78) América Economía, “Perú: Más de 11 mil mujeres accedieron al sistema de telemamografía”, 2019.
(^79) Carlos Santos-Ortiz and Tatiana Vidaurre, “Acelerando la innovación en el control del cáncer en el Perú”, Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y
Salud Pública, 2016.
(^80) Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas, Telesalud y telemedicina.
(^81) Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas, “Cerca de 8 mil profesionales de la salud serán capacitados este año a través del programa de
telesalud del INEN”, 2019.