
(Marcin) #1


Active 35 min. | Total 1 hr. 5 min.

2large eggs

Kosher salt and pepper

1 lb zucchini

1 lb medium russet potatoes, peeled

2 medium onions, peeled

1 1⁄4cups matzo meal

3⁄4cup flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped

2 tsp fresh thyme leaves

1⁄4cup olive oil

  1. In large bowl, whisk together eggs,

1 tsp salt and 1⁄4 tsp pepper.

  1. In food processor fitted with large

grating disk, grate zucchini and transfer

to separate bowl. Toss with 1⁄2 tsp salt and

let sit in colander set over bowl 10 min.

Squeeze out as much moisture as possible,

then transfer to bowl with egg mixture.

  1. Grate potatoes and onions, then add

to bowl with eggs and toss to combine.

Fold in matzo meal, parsley and thyme.

  1. Heat 2 Tbsp oil in large skillet on

medium-high. Gently drop 5 large spoon-

fuls of potato mixture into skillet (about

1⁄4 cup each), spreading to create even pan-

cakes. Cook until browned, 4 to 6 min. per

side, adjusting heat as necessary to keep

pancakes from burning; transfer to plate.

  1. Repeat with remaining potato mixture,

adding more oil to skillet as necessary

(when getting near end of potato mixture,

strain and discard any liquid at bottom of

bowl). Makes about 24.

SERVES 4 About 420 cal, 16.5 g fat (3 g sat),
11 g pro, 695 mg sodium, 57 g carb, 5 g fiber


Active 40 min. | Total 1 hr. 5 min.

2large eggs

Kosher salt and pepper

1 lb carrots, peeled

1 lb medium russet potatoes, peeled

2 medium onions, peeled

3⁄4cup matzo meal

1⁄2cup olive oil

  1. In large bowl, whisk together eggs,

1 tsp salt and 1⁄4 tsp pepper.

  1. In food processor fitted with large

grating disk, grate carrots, potatoes and

onions. Add to bowl with eggs and toss

to combine. Fold in matzo meal.

  1. Heat 2 Tbsp oil in large skillet on

medium. Gently drop 5 large spoonfuls

of potato mixture into skillet (about 1⁄4 cup

each), spreading to create even pancakes.

Cook until browned, 4 to 6 min. per side;

transfer to plate.

  1. Repeat with remaining potato mixture,

adding more oil to skillet as necessary

(when getting near end of potato mixture,

strain and discard any liquid at bottom of

bowl). Makes about 25.

SERVES 4 About 385 cal, 29.5 g fat (4.5 g sat),
8 g pro, 590 mg sodium, 51 g carb, 6 g fiber


Active 40 min. | Total 1 hr.

2large eggs

Kosher salt and pepper

1 lb beets, peeled

1 lb medium russet potatoes, peeled

2 medium onions, peeled

3⁄4cup matzo meal

1⁄2cup olive oil

  1. In large bowl, whisk together eggs,

1 tsp salt and 1⁄4 tsp pepper.

  1. In food processor fitted with large

grating disk, grate beets, potatoes and

onions. Add to bowl with eggs and toss

to combine. Fold in matzo meal.

  1. Heat 2 Tbsp oil in large skillet on

medium. Gently drop 5 large spoonfuls of

potato mixture into skillet (about 1⁄4 cup

each), spreading to create even pancakes.

Cook until browned, 4 to 6 min. per side;

transfer to plate.

  1. Repeat with remaining potato mixture,

adding more oil to skillet as necessary

(when getting near end of potato mixture,

strain and discard any liquid at bottom of

bowl). Makes about 20.

SERVES 4 About 495 cal, 29.5 g fat (4.5 g sat),
9 g pro, 580 mg sodium, 49 g carb, 5 g fiber

1. Publication Title: Good Housekeeping
2. Publication Number: 0530 - 2700

  1. Filing Date: October 1 , 2019.

  2. Issue Frequency: Monthly

  3. Number of Issues Published Annually: 12

  4. Annual Subscription Price: $ 2 4. 97
    Publication: 3 00 West 57th Street, New York, NY

  5. Complete Mailing Address of Headquarters
    300 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019.

  6. Full Names and Complete Mailing Addresses of
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    Patricia Haegele, 3 00 West 57th Street, New York, NY
    10019. Editor, Jane Francisco, 3 00 West 57th Street,
    New York, NY 10019. Managing Editor, Kim Cheney,
    300 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019.

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72 ,778


2 ,3 12 , 215

1 ,75 9 ,558



1 8, 139

1 ,777,6 97

4, 089 , 912
2 36,5 27
4,3 2 6,438

10 4,4 07

2 ,4 1 6,6 22

4, 19 4,3 19

57.6 2 %

No. Copies of
Single Issue
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4, 12 5,6 00

2 , 01 7, 133


59 , 000


2 , 0 76, 133

1 ,584, 282



4, 196

1 ,588,478

3,664,6 11
460 , 989
4, 12 5,6 00

10 4,6 00

2 , 180 ,733

3,76 9 , 211









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