In the aftermath of the
fire, the Coast Guard has
stepped up inspections of
similar boats across the
country. Several boat own-
ers have said that among the
issues inspectors have
raised is the size of escape
hatches, fire protection sys-
tems and crew training in
The Coast Guard is al-
ready under scrutiny after
the Conception fire. The
Times reported this month
that the agency had often ig-
nored NTSB recommenda-
tions to improve fire safety
measures for nearly 20 years.
The safety exemptions
the Conception and other
boats received in the 1990s
are raising new questions.
“I am deeply concerned
about the fire and sinking of
the Conception, and the so-
called grandfathering of
boats under older boat safe-
ty regulations,” Rep. Julia
Brownley (D-Westlake Vil-
lage) told The Times.
“I am eager to receive
NTSB’s final report on this
incident and NTSB’s recom-
mendations for updating
federal laws in this area to
ensure the safety of passen-
gers and vessel crews.”
Kyle McAvoy, a marine
safety expert at Robson
Forensic and former Coast
Guard chief of the Office of
Commercial Vessel Compli-
ance Policy, said the grand-
fathering of older vessels
often happens when meet-
ing new regulations is eco-
nomically unfeasible and
When adopting changes
to the Subchapter T regula-
tions in the 1990s, McAvoy
said the Coast Guard
wanted to ensure improve-
ments and safety for new
boats, but also had to ad-
dress what to do with exist-
ing vessels.
Before the new stan-
dards were adopted, the
Coast Guard sought public
comment and conducted
feasibility studies.
Older vessels “may not be
able to change what they
have,” said McAvoy, who re-
tired as a Coast Guard cap-
tain in 2016.
The Coast Guard has the
authority to make immedi-
ate safety changes after inci-
dents such as the deadly
Conception fire, McAvoy
He said he was not sur-
prised inspectors are al-
ready scouring vessels
across the country, adding
that owners can always go
beyond the minimum stand-
ards to ensure passenger
safety, adding: “The Coast
Guard regulations are the
floor, not the ceiling.”
The original regulations,
written in the late 1950s, re-
quired two means of escape,
but did not specify min-
imum dimensions or say
where the exits needed to be
Currently, the Subchap-
ter T regulations govern
about 5,000 vessels on U.S.
waterways. Of those, about
325 still fall under the origi-
nal rules.
The Coast Guard had
made numerous minor revi-
sions to the original regula-
tions throughout the years,
but they were not sufficient
to keep abreast of the
changes affecting the small
passenger vessel fleet since
the 1960s, according to Coast
Guard records.
Prior to the Coast Guard
updating regulations in 1996,
the last major revision oc-
curred in 1963, records show.
The reasons for updates
included vessels getting
larger and not keeping up
with fire-prevention tech-
nologies. Another reason
was significant casualties
on waterways, including
87 fire deaths between 1981
and 1986, federal records
Among the incidents was
a fire aboard a vessel on the
Mississippi River that killed
three people. The Coast
Guard determined that a
$200 vapor detector would
have prevented the deaths.
Additionally, 32% of all fires
occurred on wood-hulled
vessels. And during that pe-
riod, 57% of all fires started
in the machinery spaces
aboard the boats.
After multiple casualty
investigations, the NTSB
and Coast Guard each
agreed that new rules were
needed “to prevent casu-
alties or alleviate damages
and injuries from future cas-
ualties,” Coast Guard re-
cords show. “The Coast
Guard agrees with many of
the investigation recom-
mendations that have been
The 1996 revision re-
quired a larger “means of es-
cape” for passengers to flee
during an emergency. It also
said the two “means of es-
cape must be widely sepa-
rated and, if possible, at op-
posite ends or sides of the
space to minimize the pos-
sibility of one incident block-
ing both escapes.”
The rule also said the
means of escape must allow
for the “easy movement of
persons when wearing life
jackets. There must be no
protrusions in means of es-
cape that could cause injury,
ensnare clothing or damage
life jackets.”
Additionally, the rule
stated: “The minimum clear
opening of a door or
passageway used as a means
of escape must not be less
than” 32 inches in width and
“illuminated exit signs are
required and must be in-
Truth Aquatics owner
Glen Fritzler has defended
his crew members’ actions in
trying to save the doomed
passengers. On Thursday,
he said he supports safety
“We have always followed
Coast Guard regulations
and whatever is required,”
he said in a statement. “Our
past inspections reflect our
In the days after the fire
during a weekend excursion
in the Channel Islands, the
NTSB, Coast Guard and
federal agents toured the Vi-
sion — an 80-foot vessel simi-
lar to the Conception.
Both boats are owned by
Truth Aquatics, which op-
erates the fleet for diving
and other excursions
around the Channel Islands.
The U.S. Coast Guard has
said the Conception had
passed all recent inspec-
Though slightly larger
than the Conception, the Vi-
sion has a similar layout.
Single and double bunks are
stacked two and three high
in the boat’s sleeping quar-
ters below deck. A wooden
staircase leads from the
sleeping area up to the gal-
Authorities say the exit
on the Conception — along
with an escape hatch that
opens up near the dive deck
on the boat — was probably
blocked by fire.
Homendy toured the Vi-
sion with Coast Guard Capt.
Jason Neubauer, who over-
sees the Marine Safety
Board of Investigation. She
said she and the investiga-
tors turned off the lights to
see what it would have been
like for the passengers
trapped on the Conception.
Getting to the emergency
hatch was difficult, she said,
adding that investigators
couldn’t find the light
switches in the dark. The
small hatch also was trou-
bling, especially for larger
people, she said.
“It was very difficult,”
Homendy said about trying
to exit the escape hatch. “I
was taken aback by that.”
Industry experts and nu-
merous vessel captains told
The Times they expect the
government to adopt strict-
er safety regulations as a re-
sult of the deaths.
“It is clear that the regu-
lations are in need of serious
revision,” said a Los Angeles
maritime lawyer who re-
quested anonymity. “What-
ever ‘means of escape’ is, it
needs to actually work in an
emergency for everyone on
the vessel.”
After the fire on the Con-
ception, investigators have
cited some of the same defi-
ciencies pointed out by the
NTSB in other boat fires:
lack of crew training and in-
adequate safety measures
and maintenance.
Apreliminary NTSB in-
vestigation found that the
Conception had violated a
requirement that it have a
roving watch during the
night, saying the five crew
members who survived
awoke to discover the
flames. A Santa Barbara
County coroner’s review de-
termined the 34 victims died
of smoke inhalation.
While discussing marine
casualties during the House
hearing on Nov. 14, Coast
Guard Rear Adm. Richard
Timme, assistant comman-
dant for prevention policy,
said vessel owners and crews
are the first line of defense to
protect passengers.
“Equally important, the
vessel master and crew play
an essential role and should
be the first to recognize
problems and take early cor-
rective action,” he said. “The
vessel owner is obligated to
support the master and
crew’s ability to maintain
the vessel and operate it
The results of the NTSB
investigation into the Con-
ception boat fire are ex-
pected to be released in 2020.
The Bureau of Alcohol, To-
bacco, Firearms and Explo-
sives is working with the
Coast Guard and NTSB on
determining a cause of the
deadly blaze.
Coast Guard investiga-
tors along with the FBI have
served search warrants on
Truth Aquatics and its ves-
sels as part of a criminal in-
vestigation. The evidence
gathered along with dozens
of interviews is being re-
viewed by federal prose-
cutors as part of the ongoing
During a House Subcom-
mittee on Coast Guard and
Maritime Transportation
hearing about passenger
safety on Nov. 14, Rep. Salud
Carbajal (D-Santa Barbara)
asked a top Coast Guard of-
ficial why the Conception
operated under outdated
safety regulations.
“It has been brought to
my attention that Concep-
tion was operating under
‘old T’ safety requirements,
meaning they were not fol-
lowing the most up-to-date
safety rules,” Carbajal told
Small passenger vessels
weighing less than 100 tons
fall under Subchapter T of
the Code of Federal Regula-
tions for boats.
Timme called the regula-
tions “valid construction
standards today” and said
many vessels currently op-
erate under them without
any issues.
But if a formal Marine
Board of Investigation, the
highest-level marine casu-
alty investigation in the
Coast Guard, finds that the
old construction standards
contributed to the Concep-
tion tragedy, changes could
happen, Timme said.
“We will absolutely look
at that,” he said.
Brian Curtis, the NTSB
director of the Office of Mar-
ine Safety, told Carbajal the
agency is scrutinizing the
old and current standards to
determine if each ad-
equately addresses “means
of escape and crew responsi-
bilities” on small passenger
“We’re taking a close look
at all these regulations,”
Curtis said, “to make sure
this doesn’t happen again.”
Boat in fire was exempt from stricter rules
VESSELSbuilt before 1996 were granted special exemptions from safety standards that the Coast Guard imposed on new boats, records
show. Above, the Conception dive boat burns after catching fire in the early morning of Sept. 2 while anchored off Santa Cruz Island, Calif.
Ventura County Fire Department
‘We have always
followed Coast
Guard regulations
and whatever is
required. Our past
inspections reflect
our commitment.’
—Glen Fritzler,
owner of Truth Aquatics,
which operated the Conception
[C onception,from A1]
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