Low H
Pressure: L Warm Front Cold Front Jet Stream Trough
Temps –0 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100+ Rain T-stormSnowIce
Ta ken at3 p.m.Monday
Good Moderate Unhealthfulfor: Sensitive people All NotAvailable
South Coast Air Quality Management Districtforecasts air quality
Air quality
To day inSouthernCalifornia To day in NorthAmerica
High/lowtemperaturesareaverageforecasts for entirezone.
L.A.Basin Valleys Beaches Mountains Deserts
U.S. cities
Surf andsea
Santa Barbara Co.
Height Period Direction
Height Period Direction
Height Period Direction
Height Period Direction
Height Period Direction
Ventura Co.
Los Angeles Co.
Orange Co.
San Diego Co.
Wind speed in knots;wave heights infeet/intervals in seconds;
temperatures for sea/air
UV index
Sun and moon
City Hi Lo Prcp. HiLo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. HiLo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. HiLo Hi Lo
Station Time Wind Waves Temp
L.A.Outer Harbor, infeet.
Monday downtown readin gs
Minutesto burn for
sensitive people
Temperature Los Angeles Fullerton Ventura Today’s rise/set
First Quarter
Full Moon
Last Quarter
New Moon
Dec. 11
Dec. 18
Dec. 3
Los Angeles County Nov. 26
Orange County
Ventura County
City Hi Lo Prcp. HiLo Sky
Key:Susunny;Pcpartly cloudy;Cycloudy;Fg
Trtrac e.Notes:Nationalextremes arefor NWS
stations;excludes Alaska and Hawaii.
Missing data indicated by “ xx”.
Santa Paula
Village Woodland
Santa Monica
Beach Newport
Santa Ana
Beach San
San Diego
Hemet Palm
Fairplex San Bernardino
Yucca Valley
LA Downtown
Simi Valley
Chats worthBurbank
Santa Clarita
Anaheim 70 48 -- 69 49 61 47
Avalon/ Catalina 63 48 -- 59 49 54 45
Bakersfield 63 42 -- 57 45 53 41
Barstow 76 42 -- 57 40 56 37
Beaumont 65 43 -- 58 37 49 37
Big Bear Lake 52 26 -- 41 16 35 16
Bishop 52 19 -- 48 31 41 19
Burbank 71 45 -- 65 46 56 42
Camarillo 68 41 -- 68 45 60 43
Chats worth 71 46 -- 64 47 56 44
Chino 58 37 -- 67 43 58 42
Dana Point 68 33 -- 63 50 59 49
Death Valley 74 42 -- 62 53 61 46
Del Mar 66 51 -- 66 52 61 53
Escondido 72 45 -- 68 44 59 48
Eureka 53 42 Tr 50 41 47 32
Fallbrook 71 47 -- 65 41 58 46
Fillmore 71 38 -- 64 42 58 43
Fresno 64 41 -- 56 43 51 41
Fuller ton 70 47 -- 70 49 63 47
Hemet 66 37 -- 63 38 54 41
Hesperia 72 40 -- 53 39 50 35
Huntington Beach 67 44 -- 68 52 60 50
Idyllwild 54 30 -- 46 31 41 34
Irvine 71 47 -- 68 50 60 49
L.A. D’ntown/USC71 51 -- 66 51 60 48
L.A. Int’l. Airport 70 51 -- 68 53 62 49
LagunaBeach 68 42 -- 65 52 59 50
Lancaster 70 30 -- 55 40 52 36
Long Beach 65 47 -- 69 50 62 47
Mammoth Lakes 51 29 -- 40 21 30 11
MissionViejo 68 47 -- 67 50 59 48
Monr ovia 66 48 -- 59 44 51 40
Monterey 61 47 -- 56 46 54 40
Mt. Wilson xx 45 -- 50 33 44 31
Needles 70 44 -- 58 41 63 47
Newport Beach 69 54 -- 66 52 61 50
Northridge 72 43 -- 66 47 57 44
Oakland 66 39 -- 56 47 54 40
Oceanside 70 40 -- 68 42 61 42
Ojai 71 33 -- 62 41 55 41
Ontario 69 42 -- 65 45 57 42
Oxnard 66 47 -- 65 50 59 43
Palm Springs 75 47 -- 66 43 61 47
Pasadena 69 48 -- 64 48 57 44
Paso Robles 67 30 -- 60 41 52 34
Pomona/Fairplex 68 43 -- 66 45 57 43
Poway xx xx xx 68 49 62 51
Redding 62 35 -- 46 38 50 33
Ria lto 69 48 -- 63 44 53 42
Riverside 70 41 -- 63 38 55 40
Sacramen to 65 38 -- 53 40 53 38
San Bernardino 70 41 -- 63 44 54 43
San Clemente Pier 63 54 -- 64 48 59 48
San Diego 67 50 -- 68 53 64 54
San Francisco 65 47 -- 55 46 53 40
San Gabriel 68 46 -- 66 48 58 45
San Jose 65 41 -- 55 46 53 39
San Luis Obispo 71 41 -- 63 44 54 39
Santa Ana 69 50 -- 70 52 63 49
SantaBarbara 69 37 -- 65 45 59 42
SantaClarita 67 43 -- 63 45 56 43
SantaMonica Pier 67 48 -- 67 51 61 50
SantaPaula 70 38 -- 63 43 58 43
SantaRosa 66 33 -- 53 38 53 30
Simi Valley 70 47 -- 64 44 57 44
Tahoe Valley 45 24 Tr 35 23 29 14
Temecula 70 40 -- 63 40 54 42
ThousandOaks 67 53 -- 64 44 57 44
Torrance 66 48 -- 67 50 61 46
UCLA 70 51 -- 67 51 60 49
Van Nuys 71 44 -- 67 46 59 42
Ventura 66 51 -- 63 47 57 45
Whittier Hills 70 41 -- 6850 61 47
WoodlandHills 72 39 -- 66 45 57 44
Wrightwood 58 38 -- 43 34 39 28
Yorba Linda 70 48 -- 67 46 58 46
Yosemi te Valley 52 28 -- 46 32 34 21
Santa Ana windsdiminish:Santa Ana winds will diminish today asthe flowshiftsfromoffshoreto
onshore. Sun will mix withsomeclouds asa stormover the Pacific pushesintoOregonand Northern
California. This potentstormwill pull a coldfront through the state and intoSouthernCalifornia by
Wednesday afternoon,leading torainand mountainsnowspreading over the area.
Rain 60/
Downpours 54/
A sho wer 56/
Cloudy 56/
Rain 56/
Downpours 50/
Mostly sunny 53/
Clouds 52/
Rain 61/
Downpours 55/
A sho wer 58/
Cloudy 57/
Snow 35/
Snow 30/
Snow showers 27/
Clouds 32/
Rain 61/
Downpours 57/
Showers 57/
Partly sunny 57/
Mostly sunny Clouds and sun Mostly sunnyPartly sunnyMostly sunny
Los Angeles Basin:Santa
Ana winds early. Otherwise,
partly cloudy. Cloudy
tonight. Rainy andwindy
early. Otherwise, partly
cloudy. Cloudytonight.
Rainy and breezy
Orange County:Partly
cloudy. Santa Ana winds
diminish early. Cloudy
tonight. Rainy and windy
Ventura/Santa Barbara:
Sunny to partly cloudy.
Cloudytonight with rain.
Rainy andwindy
SanDiego County:Mostly
sunny and windyearly.
Clear early tonight, then
cloudy. Windyandcloudy
Wednesday with rain.
Local mountains:Windy
and mostly s unny. Cloudy
tonight. Windy Wednesday
with rain and snow.
High desert:Breezy early.
Otherwise, mostly s unny.
Cloudytonight. Cloudy
Wednesday and a little rain.
Low desert:Mostly sunny.
Cloudytonight. Cloudy
Wednesday with rain.
San FranciscoBay Area:
Cloudyand windy. Rain
tonight, heavy at times,
with strong winds.
Two powerfulstorms:A fiercestormwill bring highwinds, heavy
rainand snowtoOregonand Northern California. Another storm
will spreadheavy snowfromColoradotoMinnesotaand Iowa. Rain
and thunderstorms erupt overthe MississippiValley.
High91 inCarrizo Springs,Texas
Low–1 in Gothic, Colo.
Innerwaters:Local NE wind 20 to 25 kt
early Point Mugu toSanta Monica;
otherwise, wind SWat 8 to 16 kt. Wind
waves 3 to 7 feet.
Surf zone:Theriskfor strong rip
currents will be high today at all area
Morro Bay 4p NNW4 13/13 58/
Santa Barbara 4p SW4 4/15 63/
Ventura 4p WSW6 5/15 62/
Zuma Beach 4p SE6 4/12 63/
Marina delRey 4p SSE6 4/14 63/
Hermosa Beach4p NW4 4/14 63/
Cabrillo Beach 4p ESE4 3/13 64/
Hun t’n. Beach4p ESE4 3/12 65/
NewportBeach 4p S4 4/12 65/
Dana Point 4p S4 4/12 64/
San Clemente4p SSW4 3/13 64/
Oceanside 4p WNW4 4/13 63/
Solana Beach 4p WNW4 5/13 63/
Mission Beach 4p NW4 5/13 63/
Avalon 4p NNE4 1/13 64/
High/low 71/51 70/47 66/
High/low ayear ago 76/56 78/53 71/
Normal high/lowfor da te 70/50 70/47 69/
Record high/date 92/1977 83/2014 90/
Record low/date 36/1879 39/2010 38/
24-hourtotal (as of 4 p.m.) 0.00 0.00 0.
Seasontotal (since Oct. 1) 0.63 0.13 0.
Last season (Oct. 1 to date) 1.061.13 0.
Season norm(Oct. 1 to date) 1.48 1.70 1.
Humidity (high/low) 69/42 69/42 74/
Monday Today Wed. Monday Today Wed.
Monday Today
Monday Today Wed.
Forecasts provided by
AccuWeather, Inc.©
Today 8:12a6.8 Hi 1:54a 1.4 Lo
9:34p 4.3 Hi 3:13p -1.0Lo
Wed. 8:47a6.7 Hi 2:31a 1.8 Lo
10:26p 4.1 Hi 3:57p -1.0Lo
Sun 6:36a/4:45p
Moon 6:32a/5:09p
Sun 6:34a/4:44p
Moon 6:30a/5:08p
Sun 6:40a/4:48p
Moon 6:36a/5:12p
Las Vegas, 45
Los Angeles, 45
Phoenix, 45
San Franci sco, 60
Albuquerque 55 28 -- 40 22 W
Amar illo 59 30 -- 54 20 W
Anchorage 21 19 -- 20 18 Cy
Atlanta 63 37 -- 66 56 Pc
Atlantic City 52 40 -- 60 49 Su
Austin 83 48 -- 78 52 Cy
Baltimore 59 34 -- 61 43 Su
Billings 41 25 Tr 31 19 Cy
Birmingham 63 34 -- 66 61 Pc
Boise 44 26 -- 40 32 Pc
Boston 54 41 .01 58 40 Su
Brownsville 85 59 -- 85 71 W
Buff alo 49 41 Tr 51 41 Cy
Burlington,Vt. 50 31 -- 48 34 Cy
Casper 27 25 .22 24 4 Sn
Charleston, S.C. 63 37 -- 68 47 Su
Charleston,W.Va. 57 31 Tr 64 49 Pc
Charlotte 61 31 -- 63 46 Su
Chicago 53 37 -- 48 43 R
Cincinnati 58 35 -- 57 51 Pc
Cleveland 56 39 -- 56 49 Pc
Colo. Springs 44 34 -- 27 9 Sn
Columbia, S.C. 64 32 -- 66 45 Su
Columbus 56 34 -- 57 50 Pc
Concord, N.H. 49 31 .03 50 29 Pc
Dallas/Ft.Worth 72 46 -- 77 41 Pc
Denver 38 31 .01 26 7 Sn
Des Moines 53 36 -- 43 30 R
Det roit 51 37 .02 50 44 Cy
Duluth 38 32 .13 34 25 Cy
El Paso 64 45 -- 63 38 W
Eugene 49 32 .16 42 33 R
Fairbanks 17 7 .02 14 11 Cy
Fargo 39 35 .04 34 22 Cy
Flagstaff 43 25 Tr 33 13 Su
Grand Junction 47 28 .04 35 16 Sn
GrandRapids 49 35 .01 48 42 Cy
Green Bay 48 33 Tr 41 36 Cy
Hartford 58 40 -- 58 35 Su
Helena 39 23 .03 30 17 Sf
Honolulu 87 73 -- 86 75 Pc
Houston 80 48 -- 81 61 Cy
Indianapolis 58 35 -- 53 48 Sh
Jacksonville, Fla. 67 41 -- 72 48 Su
Kansas City 59 37 -- 54 31 Cy
Las Vegas 65 42 -- 52 39 Su
Little Rock 69 33 -- 70 42 Ts
Louisville 64 37 -- 60 55 R
Medford 47 31 .01 42 31 R
Memphis 65 40 -- 66 51 Ts
Miami 77 58 -- 81 67 Su
Milwaukee 53 30 Tr 44 41 R
Minneapolis 45 37 -- 37 30 Cy
Nashville 65 33 -- 62 58 Pc
New Orleans 70 41 -- 77 68 Ts
New York 53 39 -- 58 45 Su
Oklahoma City 64 32 -- 72 31 W
Omaha 53 35 -- 41 28 Sn
Orlando 69 49 -- 76 53 Su
Philadelphia 54 33 -- 60 43 Su
Phoenix 68 49 -- 61 41 Su
Pittsburgh 52 33 -- 57 45 Pc
Portland, Maine 51 34 .05 48 33 Pc
Portland, Ore. 51 41 .15 45 36 R
Providence 52 39 Tr 58 37 Su
Pueblo 48 32 -- 36 9 Sn
Raleigh 62 32 -- 64 46 Su
Rapid City 42 25 Tr 28 12 Sn
Reno 42 29 Tr 41 32 Sn
Richmond 57 30 -- 64 46 Su
St. Louis 67 43 -- 60 42 Sh
Salt Lake City 39 33 .13 35 25 Pc
San Antonio 84 50 -- 78 54 Cy
San Juan, P.R. 88 75 .04 89 78 Pc
SantaFe 51 21 -- 34 15 W
Seattle 47 42 .10 45 35 Cy
Spokane 33 24 -- 34 26 Pc
Springfield, Mo. 66 37 -- 68 33 Cy
Tallahassee 65 36 -- 71 52 Su
Tampa 70 53 -- 74 55 Su
Tucson 70 49 -- 58 42 Su
Tulsa 67 38 -- 75 34 Ts
Washington,D.C. 57 35 -- 61 49 Su
Wichita 60 27 -- 63 29 W
Yuma 74 50 -- 65 40 Su
Acapulco 90 75 -- 86 76 Sh
Amsterdam 48 41 .01 53 49 Sh
Athens 64 54 .58 67 53 Sh
Baghdad 74 45 -- 74 50 Su
Bangkok 92 77 -- 93 77 Su
Barbados 87 80 .59 87 81 Sh
Beijing 39 15 -- 41 26 Hz
Berlin 43 37 -- 45 40 Cy
Buenos Aires 70 63 .25 79 60 Pc
Cabo SanLucas 82 66 -- 75 70 R
Cairo 84 63 -- 81 59 Su
Calgary 34 21 Tr 25 12 Cy
Cancun 84 68 -- 84 76 Pc
Copenhagen 43 42 .13 46 44 Sh
Dublin 53 48 .81 53 45 R
Edinburgh 48 41 .38 49 41 Sh
Frankfurt 44 36 .12 48 42 Cy
Geneva 50 41 .02 54 43 Cy
Havana 82 63 -- 86 64 Su
Ho Chi Minh City 91 77 .01 92 77 Pc
Hong Kong 83 70 -- 75 66 Pc
Istanbul 65 55 .07 63 52 Cy
Jerusalem 68 50 -- 73 56 Su
Johannesburg 86 64 -- 87 60 Su
Kabul 53 24 -- 48 27 Pc
Kingston 86 79 -- 91 78 Su
London 53 48 .27 56 48 R
Madrid 62 48 Tr 61 50 Sh
Manila 88 77 .05 90 78 Cy
Mecca 91 69 -- 90 69 Pc
Mexico City 81 54 -- 77 53 Su
Montreal 41 28 Tr 45 30 Pc
Mosc ow 27 21 -- 26 24 Cy
Mumbai 91 77 -- 92 76 Hz
New Delhi 80 60 -- 72 59 Ts
Oslo 35 32 .26 36 33 Sh
Paris 54 43 .07 55 50 Sh
Rio de Janeiro 79 68 -- 81 68 Pc
Rome 64 54 -- 64 53 Pc
Seoul 40 28 -- 54 31 Pc
Stockholm 36 35 -- 40 39 Cy
Sydney 89 65 .10 90 58 Ts
Taipei City 71 68 .20 73 67 Cy
Tehran 48 39 -- 49 35 Su
Tokyo 65 59 .23 51 47 Sh
Toronto 46 34 -- 49 38 Pc
Vancouver 46 37 .12 44 33 Pc
Vienna 45 37 -- 48 41 Cy
Winnipeg 32 30 .20 29 19 Cy
Zurich 45 36 .04 49 39 Cy
63/45 66/
67/51 68/
64/44 64/
65/46 59/
66/45 65/45 63/
3-5’ 15sec WNW
4-7’ 15sec WNW
3-6’ 14 sec W
3-5’ 14 sec WSW
3-5’ 14sec W
(^66) / (^5164) / (^4767) / (^5141) / (^1666) / 43
Las Vegas
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
81/61 Miami
New York
New York
The attorney general’s of-
fice deferred questions on
the legal dispute to the bu-
reau, where a spokesman
declined to comment on
pending litigation.
Hoppin said he believes
the state is trying to sidestep
the Fresno lawsuit and have
the issue decided by a court
in Santa Cruz County, where
voters are more in favor of le-
Proposition 64won sup-
port from 70% of voters in
Santa Cruz County and only
47% of voters in Fresno
Santa Cruz County has li-
censed 12 pot sellers in its
unincorporated areas and
most can deliver to homes in
the county, but local officials
have sought to ban deliv-
eries by firms outside the
County officials are con-
cerned they have not been
able to vet out-of-county
firms as they have those in
Santa Cruz County and
noted that the firms do not
pay taxes to the county to
cover the costs of oversight.
Proposition 64 gave cities
and counties the discretion
to determine whether mari-
juana stores are allowed in
their communities, and
three-quarters of California
cities have banned the
State legislation that
would have required cities to
allow cannabis storesif resi-
dents voted to support Pro-
position 64 failed to pass this
year, but may resurface
when the Legislature recon-
venes in January.
Santa Cruz County and
24 cities including Agoura
Hills, Beverly Hills, Covina
and Riverside filed the sepa-
rate lawsuit in Fresno
County last spring and have
been given a trial date of
April 20, when they will ar-
gue that state delivery regu-
lations violate the local-con-
trol guarantee of Pro-
position 64.
“When Prop. 64 was
passed it was also promised
that localities would be able
to maintain local control
over both sales and delivery
of cannabis,” said Beverly
Hills Mayor John Mirisch,
who called Becerra’s latest
legal filing “overreaching.”
“This is a bait and switch
on the part of Sacramento,”
Mirisch added. “Communi-
ties are the solution, not the
problem, and individual
communities should be able
to make their own choices.”
Officials in many cities
say they have banned mari-
juana sales out of public
safety concerns, arguing
that pot shops attract rob-
beries and other criminal ac-
The cities’ lawsuit says
that the state regulation
“is in direct and irreconcil-
able conflict” with Pro-
position 64, which preserves
“the right of local jurisdic-
tions to regulate commercial
cannabis activity at the local
In his Nov. 14 filing, Be-
cerra told the Santa Cruz
County court that the state
has acted properly in decid-
ing where marijuana can be
sold and delivered.
“If the bureau’s motion
for intervention is denied,
then this would increase the
risk that the court might is-
sue a decision which serves
to enjoin one of the state’s
duly enacted regulations,
which would be a substan-
tial harm to the state,” Be-
cerra said.
Santa Cruz County’s ban
on outside delivery firms is
“inconsistent” with the state
regulation allowing state-
licensed marijuana firms to
deliver anywhere in Califor-
nia, Becerra argued.
The lawsuit by East of
Eden says the firm stopped
delivering in Santa Cruz
County after it was sent a
cease-and-desist order by
the county in May that
threatened a criminal inves-
tigation and confiscation of
its marijuana products.
Since then, East of Eden’s
retail sales via delivery
have dropped by 38%, and it
is losing more than $1,000 a
day, the firm said in its law-
The Santa Cruz court
has set a Jan. 2 hearing to de-
cide whether to allow the
state bureau to intervene in
the East of Eden case.
State joins legal fight over cannabis delivery
A SERVICE FORcannabis deliveries advertises at a booth in Santa Monica last year. In court, counties and
cities argue that Proposition 64 does not allow state officials to supersede local bans on cannabis businesses.
Richard VogelAssociated Press
[C annabis,from B1]