Los Angeles Times - 26.11.2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1



1 Cigar residue
4 “West Side Story” sides
9 Cul-__: dead-end street
14 Versatile truck,
for short
15 Head off
16 Oven emanation
17 Transmission
19 Divided island of
Southeast Asia
20 Fielder’s mishap
21 Irish watering hole
23 Trucker on a radio
24 Catch one’s breath
25 Stockholm-born
three-time Best
Actress nominee
28 Barfly
29 Run out of juice
30 Weekend show with
Aidy Bryant, to fans
31 “Dig in!”
32 Actress Berry
34 Real estate units
36 Longtime New Year’s
Eve bandleader
39 Dalmatian marks
41 Skin irritations
42 PC key near Z
43 Partners for mas
46 Terminate
47 Suffix with Brooklyn
50 Video game series with
a Warriors of Rock
53 Dashing style
54 Escape key function
55 Comfy footwear
56 Leave the chair
57 Secret Service role
59 Leave the house ...
and a literal feature
of 17-, 25-, 36- and
62 Rodeo rope
63 Bring together
64 Gp. that isn’t gun-shy
65 Welles on-screen
66 Hall of Fame pitcher
67 Corn serving

1 Hole-making tools
2 Den music system
3 San Simeon castle
4 Teri of “Young
5 Gardner of
the silver screen

6 Badminton divider
7 Beef
8 Strong ales
9 Not dis?
10 CNN journalist Hill
11 Mariachi’s hat
12 One-celled swimmers
13 Orange veggies
18 Hogwash
22 Keep out
25 Fish organ
26 Move, in realty ads
27 Shone with a nearly
blinding light
29 Pampering place
32 Simple shelter
33 Ambulance letters
35 S&L offerings
36 Looked through a home
remodeling magazine,
37 Transvaal settler
38 Florence’s river
39 Arizona cactus
40 Tool that unclogs using
44 Chair part for elbow
45 Feudal Japanese
military ruler
47 “Seinfeld” regular

48 Former Justice __ Day
49 Make beloved
51 Lone Ranger’s pal
52 Affordable, in brand
53 Sci-fi beings
56 British firearm
58 Color like khaki
60 Black gold
61 Hagen of





BLISS By Harry Bliss


Every box will contain a number; numbers depend on the size of the grid. For a 6x6
puzzle, use Nos. 1-6. Do not repeat a number in any row or column. The numbers in each
heavily outlined set of squares must combine to produce the target number found in the
top left corner of the cage using the mathematical operation indicated. A number can be
repeated within a cage as long as it is not in the same row or column.


ARGYLE SWEATER By Scott Hilburn MARMADUKE By Brad & Paul Anderson


By Kurt Krauss © 2019 Tribune Content Agency

Edited By Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis

SPEED BUMP By Dave Coverly


Aries(March 21-April 19):
The only kind of gift that is
not a deal is one without
strings or any expectation of
being repaid.
Taurus (April 20-May
20): Maybe manipulation is,
at its core, dishonest. At
least your aim is true — to
help people do what’s good
for them.
Gemini(May 21-June 21):
If an investment leaves you
feeling poor while you await
a return, it’s not an invest-
ment so much as an overin-
vestment, which leads to
Cancer(June 22-July 22):
Whatever you would typi-
cally give others, give that
and more to yourself today.
Otherwise you’ll be at an en-
ergetic deficit.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22):
Letting go of your expecta-
tions of who you are sup-
posed to be is one of the most
empowering shifts you will

Virgo(Aug. 23-Sept. 22):
Even good feelings like faith
and joy can scare people off,
only because people are
frightened of what they can’t
relate to or comprehend.
Libra(Sept. 23-Oct. 23):
The compliments you give
are the truth and will reflect
the talents, endowments
and efforts you observe.
Scorpio(Oct. 24-Nov. 21):
You’ll stand up for yourself
without putting another
person down. You’ll hold
your own line without break-
ing someone else’s.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-
Dec. 21): Productive conver-
sations will reveal things
about a person before you
get in too deep with any kind
of relationship.
Capricorn(Dec. 22-Jan.
19): In matters of business,
your goal is to screen for the
ones with a high potential of
finding great value in what
you most want to offer. The
same goes for love.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb.

18): Every action has a mo-
tive that speaks out. Know-
ing your own intentions cre-
ates an attractive and align-
ed flow of action.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March
20): You’ll present yourself
with boldness and clarity
and then accept whatever
reaction you get with an eye
toward the opportunities.
Today’s birthday(Nov.
26): You’ll let go of old myths
to embrace an optimistic yet
realistic view of what you’ll
do in the world before your
next birthday. You’ll come
up with strategies that really
work, and you’ll find men-
tors and helpers to make the
process a pleasure. A New
Year’s Eve kiss is a harbinger
of romantic fireworks. Gem-
ini and Cancer adore you.
Your lucky numbers are: 8,
30, 1, 18 and 43.

Holiday Mathis writes her
column for Creators
Syndicate Inc. The
horoscope should be read
for entertainment.


By Holiday Mathis

Two of my books — “Play
Bridge With Me” and “Keys
to Winning Bridge” — have
been reissued by Devyn
Press, a part of Baron Bar-
clay Bridge Supply, the
world’s largest retailer of
bridge-related items.
In today’s deal from
“Keys,” I tried to clear up
some confusion about de-
fensive signals.
Against three clubs, West
leads the ace of spades (not
best); East bid the suit. If
East “signals” with the
deuce to inform West that
his lead was no good, West
may treat that play as asking
for a shift.
He may even treat it as
“suit preference,” suggesti-
ng a shift to the low-ranking
side suit (though suit prefer-

ence applies only in unmis-
takable situations). Here, a
shift to either red suit could
East must signal with the
eight, encouraging. Nothing
about this is illogical. East is
just discouraging a shift.
Dummy is weakish; passive
defense is indicated.
For all books in print, in-
structional software and
other items to stuff your
partner’s Xmas stocking,
see baronbarclay.com.
Question: You hold: ♠K
Q5 ♥K 5 3 ♦J 9 6 4 ♣10 6 4.
Your partner opens one
heart, you raise to two
hearts and he next bids two
spades. What do you say?
Answer: Partner’s bid of
a new suit is, as far as you
know, a try for game. He asks
you to bid game with any
sound single raise or even
with a fair raise that con-

tains help for his second suit.
You should be in no doubt
here; your raise is a maxi-
mum with two spade hon-
ors. Bid four hearts.
West dealer
Neither side vulnerable

♠K Q 5
♥K 5 3
♦J 9 6 4
♣10 6 4
♠A 9 3 ♠J 8 4 2
♥A 10 7 2 ♥J 8 4
♦K Q 5 2 ♦10 7 3
♣8 2 ♣A 5 3
♠10 7 6
♥Q 9 6
♦A 8
♣K Q J 9 7
1 ♦ Pass 1♠ 2 ♣
2 ♠ 3 ♣ All Pass

Opening lead — ♠A

Tribune Media Services


By Frank Stewart

Dear Amy: My husband
and I have two children — a
girl and boy, ages 3 and 4.
I would like to have a
third child, but my husband
does not want to. He has a
demanding job and so has
limited time for hobbies,
spending time with our chil-
dren, and seeing his friends.
The two of us don’t get
enough time together, kids
are expensive, money is
tight, and having another
will further delay our free-
dom and ability to travel.
He is a wonderful father
and a hard worker, so I
understand his concerns.
I have always wanted to
have a bigger family. I feel in-
complete with two children.
Sure, the early years are
busy, but kids grow up. He
sees this current phase of
our lives as restricting,
whereas I see it as a busy sea-
son in life that will pass. I
would be incredibly sad to
stop growing our family now.
We’re in our mid-30s, so
we don’t really have a lot of
time to wait. I don’t want to
have a baby past 35.
How do we figure this
out? If we don’t have more,
how do I get over this?
Wanting More

Dear Wanting More:Par-
enting as you see it — a few
years of craziness followed
by calm, freedom, and finan-

cial stability — isn’t how
many of us experience it. As
the mother and stepmother
to five daughters, I’m here to
tell you that the many pha-
ses of a typical family’s life
blend and morph, one into
another. I won’t say that par-
enting gets easier as you go,
because — just as you’ve
mastered one skill set, the
particular challenges seem
to change.
It sounds as if you have a
partner who is at capacity.
He doesn’t seem equipped
(or willing) to embrace the
messy chaos of life with
young children.
The reason the person
who wants fewer children
might prevail is because par-
ents who are feeling over-
whelmed, pressured or pow-
erless tend to find ways to
exit, either actually (by leav-
ing) or virtually (through ne-
To be in a family with you,
your husband must now tol-
erate some things that seem
to really bother him: the lack
of freedom, time and money.
To be in a family with
him, you might need to learn
to tolerate that ache you feel
for more children.
In the absence of a happy
compromise, you could work
on your own personal capac-
ity to be happy, anyway.

Dear Amy:I live with my

spouse in her parents’ home.
We rent from them, and they
live elsewhere.
Her mom always wants
to come to the house. It
seems that every weekend,
she finds a reason to come
Also, she is a controlling
person. If we tell her it
doesn’t work out for her to
visit, she gets angry.
Do you have any advice?
Encroached Upon

Dear Encroached: When
dealing with controlling in-
laws, boundaries must be
drawn. This is especially
challenging because you are
living in a house owned by
your spouse’s parents. Your
mother-in-law likely feels en-
titled to visit the property
she owns, even if the people
in it haven’t invited her.
Your spouse is going to
have to find a way to convey
to her mother — in advance
— that every single weekend
is too much.
To draw this boundary
and keep it strong, you and
your partner are also going
to have to learn to tolerate an
occasional outburst or tem-
per tantrum. If this becomes
untenable, you should con-
sider moving.

Send questions to Amy
Dickinson by email to ask
[email protected].


An impasse on family size

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