Smithsonian - 12.2019

(Dana P.) #1


“I DO BELIEVE the spirit of Jack London was with Richard
Grant,” Tawnya Ison in Medford, Oregon, wrote about our No-
vember cover story retracing the Call of the Wild author’s Yukon
journey. “Fantastic writing and a true adventure to read!” Don M.
Pike of Crawford, Texas, was struck by “Behind the Lines,” about
a secret mission to capture Nazi mapping data: “We’re all certain-
ly indebted to these courageous people and the risks and sacrifi c-
es they endured.” The story that provoked the biggest response
(most of it, admittedly, negative) was “Che’s Kid Hits the Road,”
about a motorcycle tour of Cuba given by a son of Che Guevara,
one of the leaders of the country’s revolution. Though the travel
article mentioned Che’s brutality, many readers said the piece
glorifi ed the rebel leader and didn’t go far enough in criticizing
the Communist government.

Send letters to [email protected] or to Letters, Smithsonian, MRC 513, P.O. Box 37012, Washington, D.C. 20013.
Include a telephone number and address. Letters may be edited for clarity or space. Because of the high volume of
mail we receive, we cannot respond to all letters. Send queries about the Smithsonian Institution to [email protected] or to
OVS, Public Inquiry Mail Service, P.O. Box 37012, Washington, D.C. 20013.


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8 SMITHSONIAN.COM | December 2019

My father was a Scout/Ranger with the Fourth Infan-
try Division spotting artillery as a forward observer
from Utah Beach to the occupation of Germany. I
imagine the data gleaned from the recovered doc-
uments was applied by the 29th Field Artillery as it
battled across Europe: information that aided his
survival—and my eventual existence.
— George R. Clark | Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin

Another Side to Che
What a whitewashing of the life and eff ect of Che Gue-
vara (“Che’s Kid Hits the Road”). Although he helped
Castro dispose of a dictator, what was the result? He
helped create and support an even more repressive
regime, from which thousands have been desperate
to escape over the past 60 years. No one immigrates
to Cuba, it has never been able to support itself under
this regime, and the non-elites are unvaryingly suf-
fering from shortages of food and medicine. A more
balanced article would better serve your readership.
— Darryl Engle | Chandler, Arizona

Maybe you could interview some of the Cuban-Amer-
icans who survived Castro and Che’s regime. They
would have a diff erent perspective on what kind of
man Che was.
— Steve Moore | Oceanside, California

Letters From the Front Lines
What a treasure trove! As we now head toward a to-
tally digital world, these letters (“The News From
Over There”) are an invaluable look at a world before
iPhones and computers. They give us a window into
not only the day-to-day lives of these fi ghting men,
but also the day-to-day lives of their families—some-
thing no newsreel will ever show.
— D.L. Moore | Hesperia, California

I am moved by the dedication of Mr. Carroll and his
staff in this endeavor. It is a vital opportunity and re-
sponsibility to collect, save and cherish the thoughts
and feelings of our military.
— Christy Collins | Goshen, New York

The Map Hunters
My sister Holly and I grew up with these stories and
only later when our father, Ray Johnson, committed
them to writing did we understand the impact of
these events on his life. Now, to see some of the same
observations put into a deeply researched narrative
is very powerful and moving. He never dreamed that
his manuscript would contribute to an important
and intriguing national story.
— Paula Eastwood | Albuquerque, New Mexico

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