Apokatastasis: Four Meditations
2 Corinthians 5:14: ~ yap aya:7TY) TOV XptaTOV
avvEXEL ~μos, Kp{vavTas TOVTo, oTt El', v1rep
1ravTwv I a1TE ''0 avEv, apa ,1 oi ti 1ravTES a1TE ''0 avov ...
(For the love of the Anointed constrains us, having
reached this judgment: that one died on behalf of
all; all then have died ... )
Or even:
R omans 11:32: avvEK/\EWEV I\ yap \ O '0 EOS \ TOVS \ 1ravTas I
El', ' ' a1TEl '0 ELav iva " TOVS ' 1TaVTas ' E/\EYJaTJ· ,, ' (F or G d 0
shut up everyone in obstinacy so that he might
show mercy to everyone.)
Or, of course:
1 Timothy 2:3-6: ... TOV awrijpos ~μwv 0Eov, OS
1ravTas I av >^0 pw1rovs I 01\ E/\El aw 0~ Y)Vat Kat \ ) ELS E1riyvwaiv ) /
d,\YJ0Eias iMEiv. Els yap 0E6s, El', Kai fJ,WLTYJS 0EoV
Kai av0pw1rwv, av0pw1ros XptaTOS 'IYJaOVS, o 8ovs
EaVTOV t \ avTl/\VTpov , I\ V1TEp t \ 1TaVTWV I.... .. ( our saV1or.
God, who intends all human beings to be saved and
to come to a full knowledge of truth. For there is
one God, and also one mediator of God and human
beings: a human being, the Anointed One Jesus,
who gave himself as a liberation fee for all ... )
Titus 2: 11: 'E1rE<pUVYJ yap~ xapis TOV 0EOV awT~pws
m5mv av0pw1TOlS ... (For the grace of God has ap-
peared, giving salvation to all human beings ... )