Second Meditation: What Is Judgment?
2 Corinthians 5:19: ws OTl 0Eo<; ~v EV XpwT<jJ
Koaμov I KaTal\l\aaawv \\ I EaVT<{), < ~ f,lYJ \ I\OYlsOf,lEVOS \ 'fl
aVTOlS , ,.. Ta \ 1Tapa1TTWf,laTa / aVTWV , ,.. Kal '0' Ef,LEVOS EV ,
~μ'iv Tov A6yov TYJS KarnAAayiJs. (Thus God was
in the Anointed reconciling the cosmos to him-
self, not accounting their trespasses to them, and
placing in us the word of reconciliation.)
As well as:
Ephesians 1:9-10: yvwpfoas ~μ'iv TO μvaT~pwv Tov
(^0) EI\Y)f,laTOS \ I aVTOV, , ,.., KaTa \ TYJV \ EVOOKlaV )~ / aVTOV ) ,.. YJV t\
TWV ~ Kaipwv, ~ avaK6pal\aLWaaa > ,/,.\ I^0 al Ta \ 1TaVTa I EV >
T<{J XpwT<jJ, Ta E1Tl TOlS ovpavo'is Kai Ta E1Tl TYJS
yiJs ... (Making known to us the mystery of his
will, which was his purpose in him, for a husbandry
of the seasons' fullness, to recapitulate all things in
the Anointed, the things in the heavens and the
things on earth ... )
And presumably:
C 0 1 ossians • 1:27-2 :^8 OlS 1' YJ '0 EI\Y)GEV I\ O <^0 EOS \ yvwpwai I
TL TO 1TAovTos TYJS 86gYJS Tov μvaTYJp{ov TOVTov
EV ' TOlS ..... E ''0 VEGlV, 0 " ' EGTlV X pWTOS ' ' EV Vf,llV, ' ,.. YJ ( '' ' El\1Tl',
TYJS 86gYJS· ov ~f,lElS KaTayyEAAoμEv vov0ETOVVTES
1TaVTa I av "0 pw1TOV Kal \ vwaaKOVTES ~~I 1TaVTa I
av "^0 pw1TOV EV , 1TaGTJ I GO'f-'l(!,, ,J...I t:/ lVa 1TapaGTYJGWf,lEV I
1TQVTa av0pw1TOV TEAEwv EV XpwT<jJ ... (By whom