100 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations
El<; > vμa<; < ~ f-1,YJ \ /3 OVI\Of-1,EVO<; \I I TlVa<; a1TOI\EU > \I^0 at a/\1\a >\\\
1ravTa<; Et<; fJ,ETavoiav xwpiJaat. (The Lord is not
delaying what is promised, as some reckon delay,
but is magnanimous toward you, intending for
no one to perish, but rather for all to advance to a
change of heart.)
Maybe even:
M h att ew 18: 14: OVTW<; " OUK , EUTlV "^0 EI\Yjfl,a '' Ef1,1Tpoa "^0 EV
TOV 1TaTpo<; vμwv TOV EV ovpavo'i<; i'va d1r6A.YJTal EV
Twv μiKpwv TOvTwv. (So it is not a desire that oc-
curs to your Father in the heavens that one of these
little ones should perish.)
Ph1 1ppians ·1· · 2: 9-11: OlO ~ ' Kat ' O '0 EO<; ' aVTOV ' ' ' V1TEPV'fJWUEV ',/,
\ , I , ,.. \ >I \ ( \ ,...,
Kat ExaplUaTO aVT'-{J TO OVOfJ,a TO V1TEp 1TaV
ovoμa, i'va EV n;) ov6μan "IYJUOV 1TUV y6vv KUf-1,lpYJ
E1rovpav{wv Kai Emydwv Kai KaTax0ov{wv Kai
1Taaa yA.waaa EtoμoA.oy~aYJTat OTl Kvpw<; "IYJUOV<;
XpiaTO<; Et<; ootav 0wv 1TaTpo<;. (For which reason
God also exalted him on high and graced him with
the name that is above every name, so that at the
name of Jesus every knee should bend-of beings
heavenly and earthly and subterranean - and every
tongue gladly confess that Jesus the Anointed is
Lord, for the glory of God the Father.)