David Bentley Hart - That All Shall Be Saved

(Chris Devlin) #1

Second Meditation: What Is Judgment?


C 0 1 ossians. 1:19-20: OTt " EV , aVT<{J , ~ EVOOKYJUEV ·~ / 1rav ~ TO \
7TI\Yjpwμa \ I KaTOtKYjUat ~ Kat \ Ot ~' avTOV , ~ 7TOKaTal\l\a<::,at \ \ 'C
Ta 7TQVTa EL<; aUTOV, ELPYJV07T0t~aac; Ota TOV
aZμaTO<; TOV UTavpov aVTOV, [ Ot' avTov] EtTE TU
E7TL TYJ<; yiJc; ELTE Ta EV TOL<; ovpavot<;. (For in him
all the Fullness was pleased to take up a dwelling,
and through him to reconcile all things to him,
making peace by the blood of his cross [ through
him], whether the things on the earth or the things
in the heavens.)

And most definitely:

1 0 n 2:2: J h Kat ' aVTO<; , \ tl\aaμoc; (\ , , EUTtV 7TEpt ' TWV ,...
aμapTL<nV ~μwv, ov 7TEpt TWV ~/J,ETEpwv OE μ6vov
d,\,\d Kat 7TEpt o,\ov TOV Koaμov. (And he is atone-
ment for our sins, and not only for ours, but for the
whole cosmos.)

And such mysterious verses as:


J 0 h n 3:17: OU yap ) \ a7TEUTEll\EV ) / \ O C'^0 EO<; \ TOV \ vwv C'\ El<; )
TOV \ Koaμov I wa ~I KPLVTJ I TOV \ Koaμov, I al\/\ ) \ \> ~, wa aw^0 Tl ~

o Koaμoc; Ot' aVTOV. (For God sent the Son into the

cosmos not that he might condemn the cosmos,
but that the cosmos might be saved through him.)

L k u e 16: 16: 'O voμoc; I Kat \ ot t 7TpO..,.,YJTat ,,1,.~ /J,EXPL.L I 'T wavvov· I

a1ro , , , TOTE YJ , /3 aatl\Eta \ , TOV ~ e EOV ~ EvayyEl\t1:,ETat , \ 'Y Kat ,

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