David Bentley Hart - That All Shall Be Saved

(Chris Devlin) #1
Second Meditation: What Is Judgment? 105

Only at the very end of these three stages, then -first the ex -
altation of Christ, then the exaltation at history's end of those
already fully united to Christ, and then the "full completion"
at the end of all ages, when the Kingdom is yielded over to the
Father- do we arrive at the promise of verse 28:

OTaV OE V7TOrnyiJ atm.jJ Ta 7TQ,VTa, TOTE Kai aVTOS-
0 (' VlOS-('\ V7TOTaYYJGETal (' / T'-!) ,.., V1TOTas (' IC, avn a VT'-!) ) "" Ta \
1ravTa, ' iva " Tl ,;-' o^0 Eos-' 1ravTa ' Ev ' 1raaiv. ~ (A n , w en a d h^11
things have been subordinated to him, then will the
Son himself also be subordinated to the one who
has subordinated all things to him, so that God may
be all in all.)

After all, though Paul speaks on more than one occasion of the
judgment to come, it seems worth noting that the only picture
he actually provides of that final reckoning is the one found in
1 Corinthians 3: 11-15, the last two verses of which identify only
two classes of the judged: those saved in and through their
works, and those saved by way of the fiery destruction of their

El TlVOS-TO lpyov f-1,EVEL O E1TOLK000f.1,YJGEV, μ,w0ov
ll'YJf-l'f-'ETaL· \ I ,/, El ,1 TLVOS-TO \ Epyov ,t KaTaKaYJGETaL, I
r sYJf-1,lW 0' YJGETaL, avTOS-' ' ~' OE aw 0' YJGETaL, OVTWS-" ~'' OE ws-
Ola 1rvpos-. (If the work that someone has built en-
dures, that one will receive a reward; if anyone's
work should be burned away, that one will suffer
loss, yet shall be saved, even though as by fire.)

If Paul means us to understand that there will also be yet an-
other class- that of the eternally derelict- he does not say
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