David Bentley Hart - That All Shall Be Saved

(Chris Devlin) #1


enhypostatic union, 189
Enoch 1, 112, 117
Ephesians, epistle to, 53, 97
equivocity, impoverishment of
theology by, 74-75, 81, 88, 202
Esau, 135-137
eschatology, 18, 68, 88-89, 92-129,
138-139, 143
eternal hell: Augustine on, 167;
believers in, 4, 28-29, 78; in
Calvinist theology, 77; cruelty
of, 12, 23, 35, 44, 52, 94; as evil,
81-82; freedom to condemn
oneself to, 13; Greek roots of
concept of, 160; illogic and
reprehensibility of concept of,
202-204; infants and, 75-76,
145; injustice of, 11, 18, 23, 37,
43-46; institutional factors in
development and perpetuation
of concept of, 206; moral cal-
culations concerning, 83-84;
original sin and, 75-76; salva-
tion in relation to, 83-85; scrip-
tural evidence for, 93-95, 105-
106, 117-118, 160. See also hell;
infernalist position
eternity, 121-126
Evagrius, 89
Eve, 140
evil: chance in relation to, 85-86;
creation in relation to, 82-88,
141; defeat of, 164-165; diffi-
culty of topic, 67; eternal hell
as, 81-82; finitude of, 144, 165;
God in relation to, 70-75,
82-84, 90, 167, 170; natural and
moral, 82; not a possible object
of desire, 165, 174-175, 193; as
privation of good, 70-71, 143,


165, 175; traditional definition
of, 70
existence, 20, 42, 52, 181, 190

faith/belief: contrary to reason,
61, 66, 74, 76, 81, 119, 163-164,
203-205; salvation by, 162
fall of humankind, 24, 43, 77, 138
fear, as religious motivation, 34,
final judgment, 93, 104-105, 108-
109, 115, 119, 128
freedom: defining, 40, 79; God's,
69-70; modern concept of,
40, 172; as negative liberty, 172;
spontaneity antithetical to,
40, 43, 71, 79, 172-174. See also
rational freedom
free will. See rational freedom
fundamentalist Christians, 92, 106

Gehenna, 93,110, 112-116, 118. See
also Valley of Hinnom
Genesis, book of, 43, 135, 139-140,
gentiles, 136
gnomic will, 36, 179, 185, 188
God: analogical thinking about,
53-59, 74-75, 85-88; arbitrari-
ness/capriciousness of, 45-46,
49, 60-61, 69, 138, 167, 174,
187; and being, 20, 42, 165,
181-183; benevolence of, 15, 21,
47, 58; creation as expression
of the nature of, 69-73, 89-91;
as creator, 67-91; evil in rela-
tion to, 70-75, 82-84, 90, 167,
170; as father, 53-54; freedom
of, 69-70; as the Good, 18, 28,
37, 39-42, 55, 57-58, 60-61, 69,
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