David Bentley Hart - That All Shall Be Saved

(Chris Devlin) #1


opment of, 206-207; human
freedom as conceived by, 33-35,
52-53, 79, 171, 192; intellec-
tual and moral errors of, 13,
33-35, 53, 79, 147, 149-150, 192,
202-203; popular argument of,
33-34; scriptural evidence cited
by, 116, 163. See also eternal hell
Isaac of Nineveh, 16, 64, 66, 89, 157
Isaiah, book of, 113
Israel, 136

Jacob, 135-136
James, epistle of, 113, 162
Jansenism, 199
Jeremiah (prophet), 110
Jeremiah, book of, 113
Jesus. See Christ
John, epistles of, 50
John, Gospel of, 27, 80, 98-99,
John 1,162
John of Damascus, 187
Josephus, 123
Jubilees, book of, 112
judgment. See final judgment
Julian of Norwich, Dame, 30-31
justice: eternal hell incompatible
with, 11, 18, 23, 37, 43-46; God
and, 135-136; parental role in
relation to, 54; proportionality
in, 44-45; supernatural, 52

Kierkegaard, Soren, 198
Kings 2,113
Kung Fu (television program), 14

last judgment. See final judgment
law, 12, 25, 52, 108, 135-136
Leviticus, book of, 113

limbo, 76
limited atonement, 162
Lin Yutang, 14
Lombard, Peter, 78, 167, 169
love: absence/refusal of, in


humans, as source of hell,
16-17, 27, 62; ambiguity of con-
cept of, 34-35; assuagement of
suffering as expression of, 157;
punishments of hell as expres-
sion of God's, 22-25
Loy, Myrna, 152
Luke, Gospel of, 53, 80, 94, 101-
102, 111, 116, 124
Luther, Martin, 78

Macarius, Abba, and legend
involving, 9-12, 14-15
MacDonald, George, 24, 89, 156-
Mahayana Buddhism, 14-15
Maimonides, Moses, 38
Makrina, 123, 142
Mallarme, Stephane, 85
manualist Thomism, 47, 208
Mark, Gospel of, 110, 111, 114, 116
Matthew, Gospel of, 53, 93-94, 100,
110, 111, 116, 123, 148
Maximus the Confessor, 36, 66, 68,
179, 188
memories, as essential to person -
hood, 78, 151-153
Mill, John Stuart, 81
Milton, John, 71, 175
misericordes (the merciful-
hearted), 1, 3, 76, 157
morality: of creation, 68, 69, 72, 75,
90-91; degradations/absurdity
of, resulting from common
Christian beliefs, 13, 18-19, 21,
29-30, 35, 37, 49-51, 53, 74-76,
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