David Bentley Hart - That All Shall Be Saved

(Chris Devlin) #1


Revelation, book of, 93, 106-110
Roman Catholicism, 118
Romans, epistle to, 73, 95, 96, 133-
138, 162, 163

salvation: certainty of, 66; Christ's
role in, 24-27, 85, 105, 128, 141,
143, 165; conceptions of, 24;
from death, 25, 106; eternal hell
in relation to, 83-85; by faith,
162; Paul on, 137-138; and per-
sonhood, 151-152; providence
in relation to, 187; scope of,
85-87, 90-91, 95-102, 146, 151,
155, 162, 164, 187; scripture on,
27, 82,151,162,187
Samsara, 14
Santideva, Bodhicaryavatara,
Satan, 94, 112, 123-124, 175
saved/elect, the: Augustinian
conception of, 76; Calvinist/
Reformed conception of,
48-49, 77-79; the damned in
relation to, 84, 86, 134-137,
145-146; God's choice of, 162;
humanity as, 140-144; indif-
ference to/enjoyment of the
suffering of others, 78-79, 132,
145-150, 157, 167-169; Paul on,
134-138; universalists' concep-
tion of, 1
scripture: early Christian under-
standing of, 1, 2-3, 27; on eter-
nal hell, 93-95, 105-106, 117-
118, 160; on freedom and desire
for the good, So; on heaven
and hell, 111-120; ignorance
of, 88; interpreted as the direct
word of God, 92; interpretive


approaches to, 88-89, 92-95,
102-103; metaphorical nature
of, 94; misinterpretations of,
3,19,24-25,49, 161-163,200;
purportedly anti-universalist,
4; role of Revelation in, 106-
110; on salvation, 27, 82, 151,
162, 187; universalism sup-
ported by, 65, 88, 94-102,
secondary causality, 69-70
self, 154-155. See also person; soul
Shammai, Rabbi, 114-115
Sheol, 112
Silouan of Athos, 16, 157
sin: Christ's nature incompatible
with, 189-190; defeat of, 142;
history of, 141; ignorance as
component of, 36; infants and,
75-76, 145; original, 24-25,
75-76; weakness as source of,
26, 143, 188
Solomon of Basra, Book of the Bee,
soul: conditions of existence of,
So; continuity of, 152,154; ex-
perience of afterlife, 17, 45-46;
God's creation of, 19, 28, 73,
82-85, 90; intentionality of, 191;
predestination of, 48; punish-
ment/suffering of, 16-17, 20, 23,
28-29, 37, 76, 81-83, 112, 114-
116, 123-124, 148-151, 157, 160,
167, 169; redemption and rec-
onciliation of, 143-144, 191. See
also desire, for God/the Good;
person; rational freedom
Stump, Eleanore, 182
substitution, 77
Suetonius, 50
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