
(C. Jardin) #1
Aberdeen Standard Investment Trusts


We believe there’snos ubstitut efor gettingtoknow your
investmentsface-to-fac e. That’s whywemakeito ur goal
to visitcompanies–wherever they are–beforeweinvest
in theirshares andwhilewehold them.

With awide rangeofi nvestment companiesinvesting
around theworld –that’sana wfullybig commitment.
Butit’sjustone of thewayswea im to seekout the
bestinvestment opportunities on yourbehalf.

Pleaseremember, thevalue of sh ares andthe
income from them cangod ownaswellasupand
youmay getback le ss th an theamountinvested.
No recommendation is made, positive or otherwise,
rega rdingthe ISAand SharePlan.

Thevalue oftaxbenefits depends onindi vidual
circum stances andthe fa vourable taxtreatment
forISAsmay notbe main tained.Werecommend
you seekfinancial advice priortom akingan
investment decision.

Request abrochure: 08085004000

We strive

to explore


Aberde en Standard In vestmentsisa brand of theinvestm ent bu sinesse sofA berdeen AssetManagement

andStandardLifeInvestments. IssuedbyA berdeen AssetManagersLimited, 10 Quee n’sTerrace,

Aberde en AB10 1XL, whichisa uthorised andregulatedbyt he Financial ConductAuthorityin theUK.

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