Spotlight - 13.2019

(singke) #1
TRAVEL 13/2019 Spotlight 27

Foto: Paul Wheatley


A Viking visit to Ireland

Die Wikinger haben in Irland viele Spuren ihrer Seefahrerkultur hinterlassen:
Waffen, Spiele, Befestigungsanlagen. Eines ihrer schönsten Geschenke an die Grüne Insel
ist die älteste Stadt, Waterford – und ein Platz am Fernsehhimmel.
PAUL WHEATLEY berichtet.


It’s not just raining on my arrival in
Waterford, it’s also blowing a gale for
good measure. Just the sort of weather
you might expect from a place whose
name comes from the old Norse for
“windy fjord”. Waterford is my starting
point for a Viking-themed trip along Ire-
land’s south-east coast. A greeting of rain
and dark skies isn’t exactly my idea of
fun, but on the other hand, my plans for
a three-day stay are exciting, and surely,
the rain will stop — eventually.
Thanks to its Viking forefathers,
Waterford is Ireland’s oldest city.
Lo cated around 170 kilometres from
Dublin and about 24 kilometres from
Ireland’s south-east coast, it’s now home
to 50,000 people. In 914, Vikings from
Norway chose this protected spot on
the River Suir as an easily defendable
settlement site for a longphort, or “ship
camp”. Today, more than 1,000 years later,
Waterford is one of Ireland’s best-loved
tourist destinations — for good reason.

eventually [I(ventSuEli]
, hier: irgendwann
forefather [(fO:)fA:DE]
, Vo r f a h r, Ah n
gale [geI&l]
, Sturm

measure: for good ~
, obendrein
Norse [nO:s]
, Altnordisch
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