Spotlight - 13.2019

(singke) #1

READERS’ ISSUE 13/2019 Spotlight 35


A family trip
to Ireland!
Ir e l a n d i s
perfect for
getting away from
everyday stress and
the digital world. The
landscape is wonderful and
enchanting. Some places are very quiet
and lonesome. Even our kids were im-
pressed by the Emerald Isle. If you want
some peace and quiet, you can find silent
spots almost everywhere. Nobody will be
there except some sheep. The variety
of things you can do is huge. You can
climb up hills where you sometimes
find a little hidden lake, or at least a
fantastic view of breathtaking scen-
ery. And that’s not to mention the
endless walks on the beach, where
you can find beautiful shells and per-
haps a mermaid’s purse. But there is also
a lot to do if you want more action — for
example, a horse-riding tour, even if you
cannot ride. Visit some of the wonderful
small towns with their colourful paint-
ed houses, and go to a pub and talk with
friendly people. One of our kids’ favour-
ites was going on a boat tour in Dingle to
see the dolphin called Fungie.
— Claudia Marchand


I first came across the Chan-
nel Islands when reading your
travel article about Jersey in the
November 2014 issue of Spotlight
magazine. Being passionate about both
the English and the French culture and
language, I found these islands to be the
right place for a combination of things
— delicious food, impressive landscapes,
breathtaking flora as well as chats with
friendly people who welcome strangers
with open arms. My expectations were
met to the full when I recently travelled to
Jersey. As a Crown depen dency, you feel
Britishness ever ywhere. But there’s also a
French spirit about the island, as Jersey is
a lot closer to France than it is to England.
I heard much about the islanders’ de-
pressing years during the Second World
War, learned some words of Jèrriais,
their native language,
and, of course, tasted
lots of their delica-
cies, such as Jersey
Royals (potatoes)
and black butter (a

spread made with cider). All in all, it’s a
place worth a second visit!
— Bettina Birnbach


During my trip to Canada in
2013, it was a visit to Niagara
Falls (Iroquois for “thundering
water”) that especially created
unforgettable memories for me. I recom-
mend a tour aboard the boat Maid of the
Mist. It has been taking passengers closer
to the untiring crashing of the falls since

  1. To soak up the im-
    pressions of this mag-
    nificent sight, take a
    ride to the viewing
    platform located
    above the cascades:
    Skylon Tower. It of-
    fers one of the most
    fantastic views over the
    falls and their surroundings
    from a height of 236 metres. From up
    there, you can see the three majestic wa-
    terfalls: American Falls, Bridal Veil Falls
    and Horseshoe Falls. It is almost impos-
    sible to describe Canada’s wild beauty
    and the kindness of its people in just a few
    words. You simply have to experience it
    for yourself.
    — Linda Göhring


My favourite place in the Eng-
lish-speaking world is India.
India is far more than Bolly-
wood, holy cows and fakirs.
It is a ver y vivid country, full of col-
ours, sounds and religions. The
variety can be found in all
the states of India. There
are the sandy beaches in
Goa that attract many
tourists who are looking
for peace of mind and fab-
ulous seafood cuisine. Far-
ther south, in Tamil Nadu,
you can find great examples
of the amazing architecture of
Hindu temples and swim in the Indi-
an Ocean. A total contrast can be experi-
enced in the northern state of Rajasthan.
Ve r y w e l l -preserved Mughal palaces
send you back to the times of the maha-
rajas. Seeing the famous Taj Mahal in
Agra will take your breath away, and you
will be absorbed by the vibrant streets
of Mumbai from the first moment on.
I love the diversity of the country, with

, atemberaubend
cider [(saIdE]
, Apfelwein
Crown dependency
[)kraUn di(pendEnsi]
, Kronbesitz
diversity [daI(v§:sEti]
, Vielfalt
Emerald Isle
[(em&rEld )aI&l]
, Grüne Insel
enchanting [In(tSA:ntIN]
, bezaubernd, hin-
Iroquois [(IrEkwOI]
, irokesisch
lonesome [(lEUnsEm]
, einsam, verlassen
, großartig

mermaiďs purse
[(m§:meIdz p§:s]
, Eikapsel von Haien
oder Rochen („mermaid“
= Meerjungfrau; „purse“ =
preserved [pri(z§:vd]
, erhalten
scenery [(si:nEri]
, Landschaft
shell [Sel]
, Muschel
soak up [sEUk (Vp]
, aufnehmen, aufsaugen
spread [spred]
, Brotaufstrich
vibrant [(vaIbrEnt]
, lebendig, pulsierend
vivid [(vIvId]
, lebhaft
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