Spotlight - 13.2019

(singke) #1

6 Spotlight 13/

Fotos: Grape_vein, iStockphoto, Bjorn Meyer/; Brian Choo; privat; Maverick Pictures/

Commercial fishing
in Belize: ocean
protections look to
the future


Future oceans

Belize is taking ocean protection to a whole
new level. The small Central American state
in the Caribbean Sea has a “managed-access
programme” to make sure the waters of Belize
remain a reliable source of income for commer-
cial fishing. Now, after three years, it’s working.
“Belize is the only country in the world that
has successfully divided all its territorial waters,
including functional fishing waters,” fisheries
administrator Beverly Wade told The Guardian.
“We direct all fishermen into two of nine areas
to build an architecture from the ground up,
where [they take] ownership of resources be-
cause their livelihood depends on it.”

The results have been good, and include an
estimated 60 per cent decrease in illegal fishing.
Also, 16 per cent of territorial waters have been
established as “no-take” (no-fishing) zones, so
that stocks can be replenished.
A promising development, too, has been
the return to health of Belize’s 300-kilometre
segment of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef,
important to tourists and fish. Last year, it was
removed from UNESCO’s Wo r l d He r i t a g e
danger list. Nicanor Requena of the US-based
Environmental Defence Fund (EDF) calls
Belize’s progressive system of ocean protection
“the vision for the future”.

barrier reef [)bÄriE (ri:f]
, Barriereriff
Caribbean [)kÄrE(bi:En]
, karibisch
fisheries administrator
[(fISEriz Ed)mInIstreItE]
, Fischereiminister(in)

livelihood [(laIvlihUd]
, Lebensgrundlage
replenish [ri(plenIS]
, sich regenerieren
source of income
[)sOs Ev (InkVm]
, Erwerbsquelle

stock [stQk]
, hier: Fischbestand
territorial waters
[terE)tO:riEl (wO:tEz]
, Hoheitsgewässer

World Heritage: ~ danger list
[w§:ld (herItIdZ]
, Rote Liste des gefährdeten
We l t e r b e s


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