Spotlight - 13.2019

(singke) #1
Fotos: Bernd Brundert; Richard M Lee/; hdere/

76 Spotlight 13/2019 MY LIFE IN ENGLISH

Why is English important to you?
It’s my gateway to the world.

When was your first English lesson, and
what can you remember about it?
When I was eight, my mother taught
me to say “I like you” to my first holiday

Who is your favourite English-language
actor, writer or musician?
The American author Sidney Sheldon
(1917–2007). His stories are so vivid that
there’s a whole universe in my head. His
writing can tie me to a book for hours. My
favourite novel so far is The Naked Face.

Which song could you sing at least a few
lines of in English?
Christina Aguilera’s “Beautiful”:
“We are beautiful, in every single way.
Yes, words can’t bring us down.”

What is your favourite food from the
English-speaking world?
I’m frequently inspired by Jamie Oliver,
and I very often make his Irish mackerel
breakfast with poached eggs.

Which person from the English-
speaking world (living or dead) would
you most like to meet?
Dr Joe Dispenza. His book You Are the
Placebo had a huge effect on my life. After
reading it, I attended one of his seminars
and learned meditation. Everyone who is
interested in the powers of self-healing
and what meditation does to the brain
should read his book or watch some of
his interviews.

If you could be any place in the English-
speaking world right now, where would
it be?
Backpacking on the South Island of New
Zealand! I did that five years ago and the
trip was wild, beautiful and full of little

Which is your favourite city in the
English-speaking world?
Melbourne, Australia, where the Great
Ocean Road starts. I shot a movie there
and have some unforgettable memories.

Have you ever worked in an English-
speaking environment? If so, where?
I was lucky enough to get the leading role
in a play at the Arcola Theatre in London.
The city, the play and the people I met
there amazed me.

When did you last use English (before
answering this questionnaire)?
Just 10 minutes ago, with my Russian
friend Elena. I met her at a festival.

What was your funniest experience in
I once said in a restaurant: “I would love
the mousse au chocolat for desert.”

What is your favourite English word?
“Moxie” — force of character, determi-
nation. This word immediately gives me
a push of power. Let’s do it with sparkle
and moxie!

Do you practise English and, if so, how?
Reading is the key for me. It doesn’t feel
like an exercise. I sometimes read aloud
to practise my pronunciation. And there’s
a BBC podcast I listen to: The English We
Speak. It has short, funny episodes about
idioms and misunderstandings.

Is there anything in your home from the
English-speaking world?
A whole shelf of books by Sidney Sheldon.

What would be your motto in English?
“Trust the unknown.” For me, it’s a spell
for life. If I trust that everything that hap-
pens to me is for my own good in the end
and that even difficult situations and bad
shocks are only exercises, then nothing
can happen to me.

, auf Rucksacktour sein
crush [krVS] ifml.
, Schwarm
desert [(dezEt]
, Wüste (dessert
[di(z§:t] – Nachtisch)
, Entschlossenheit
gateway [(geItweI]
, To r, E i n g a n g

mackerel [(mÄkrEl]
, Makrelen-
moxie [(mQksi]
N. Am. ifml.
, Ta t k r a f t
poached egg [pEUtSt (eg]
, verlorenes Ei
sparkle [(spA:k&l]
, Funkeln
spell [spel]
, Zauberformel
vivid [(vIvId]
, lebendig, anschaulich


Sarah Alles

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