to return home, and they line up
every morning outside the Iom
headquarters in Athens to apply.
While awaiting their travel
documents, those without m oney
are allowed to stay at a shelter in
central Athens — a facility run by
the Iom and converted from an
abandoned office building —
where the mahours from Iran
stayed in room 108, and the
mahmoods from Iraqi Kurdistan
stayed in room 106.
“It’s going to be a long day,”
Kamal mahmood told his chil-
dren on their last m orning in that
room. They arrived at the Athens
airport with four duffel bags, two
worn suitcases, a stroller and a
grocery bag packed with belong-
As they waited to check in,
Chrakhan mahmood, 19, scrolled
through facebook, looking at
photos of fighting in Kurdish
areas of Syria, across the border
from Iraq.
“Look,” she said, holding up a
photo of dead bodies.
As far as Kamal mahmood was
concerned, Kurds had always
been in limbo. He didn’t think
war would come to his part of
Iraq. But Syrian refugees, he said,
would probably arrive. That was
just one of the variables. How
would his children adjust? Would
he get his old job back?
“If I could find something for
my children here, I would stay,”
he said. “But I can’t. So maybe
going back is better.”
He held up his phone, like a
seesaw, as if weighing Greece on
one end, Iraqi Kurdistan on the
“It is bad on both sides,” he
said, and soon his family was at
the gate and in the air, arriving at
2:35 a.m. to restart their lives in
Iraqi Kurdistan — a place that,
for now, seemed slightly less bad
than Greece.
[email protected]
elinda labropoulou contributed to
this report.
government data. In September
at the largest island camp —
moria, a former military barracks
— a fire killed a woman from
Afghanistan and led to rioting
and demonstrations, with protest
signs reading, “moria is hell.”
It is at those camps, and at
other, better-equipped facilities
for migrants on the Greek main-
land, where the Iom tries to
spread the word about the possi-
bility of going home.
Some people, based on U.N.
guidelines, are ineligible for the
program; migrants aren’t re-
turned to Syria, Palestinian terri-
tories, Yemen, or other regions or
countries deemed too dangerous.
In Greece, people from those
parts of the world almost always
win asylum anyway. It is the
others — from Afghanistan, Iraq
and Pakistan — who are likelier
come. We are very tired here in
Among E.U. nations, Greece
perhaps best illustrates what
le aves migrants feeling stuck.
The country is the purported
gateway to Europe for those flee-
ing through Turkey; few who
arrive actually want to stay in
Greece. At the height of the conti-
nent’s migration surge in 2015,
asylum seekers who arrived in
Greece quickly moved north,
crossing through Balkan coun-
tries toward wealthier nations
such as Germany and Sweden.
But Greece’s neighbors have
since clamped down, closing
routes that once provided pas-
sageway out of the country. more
than 1 million migrants have
arrived in Greece since 2015.
During that same period,
240,000 have applied for asylum.
one option for Greece is send-
ing migrants back to Turkey. A
6 billion euro deal in 2016 be-
tween the E.U. and Turkey was
supposed to open the door for
massive returns — but it hasn’t
worked out. Vulnerable migrants
still have the right to seek asylum
in Greece, meaning they can stay
in the country during a multiyear
process. Since the deal was
reached, more than 100,000 mi-
grants have arrived from Turkey
to Greece. fewer than 2,000 have
been returned.
Greece’s new conservative gov-
ernment says it intends to step up
pressure on Turkey. Prime minis-
ter Kyriakos mitsotakis says most
of the people now coming to
Greece have “the profile of eco-
nomic migrants, not refugees”
who merit protection.
Whatever their status, the ar-
riving migrants languish in what
is widely viewed as the most fetid
conditions in Europe. Asylum
seekers are housed in tents and
shipping containers on island
centers, surrounded by overflow-
ing garbage and sewage. Advo-
cates say Greece has had plenty of
time to improve the camps but
for migrants, who are given travel
documents, commercial plane
tickets and several hundred eu-
ros in cash — plus, for some,
another 1,500 euros they can use
for job placement or to start
businesses back home.
But the decision to leave also
highlights Europe’s failure to ac-
commodate those who came
seeking refuge or opportunity —
a group that includes the mah-
moods, who opted to return to
the Iraqi region of Kurdistan
even before the conclusion of
their asylum case.
Kamal mahmood slept for two
hours on his last night in Europe,
thinking about the many reasons
they’d come to Greece in the first
place. Their eldest son had died
of leukemia — a loss mahmood
blamed partly on Iraq’s health-
care system. In the aftermath,
mahmood’s wife, heartsick, rare-
ly left their home. Around the
same time, mahmood was de-
moted from manager at the hos-
pital where he worked, because of
what he described as a strained
relationship with the Kurdish
political party that influenced
management decisions.
The family figured Europe
would be a fresh start.
“It was a way to forget the
pain,” mahmood said.
What they hadn’t known was
that their new home in Greece
would be an isolated camp, away
from easy job access, where knife
fights sometimes broke out at
night. once or twice the family
had to relocate their tent outside
the gates for safety.
The children could attend
school, but only in the afternoon,
after the Greek kids had left, in
foreigners-only classrooms that
grouped together many ages and
returning home, mahmood
ca me to believe, was the one way
his children wouldn’t miss out on
another year of adequate educa-
tion — though he had concerns
about being back in Iraqi Kurdis-
tan, as well.
many of those in the pipeline
to go home, including the mah-
moods, had arrived in Europe
illegally and struggled without
Sheharyar Sultan, 24, a phar-
macist in Pakistan, found himself
in Greece picking oranges for 20
euros per day.
mamdouh Awad, 24, of moroc-
co, spent the bulk of his time in
Greece at a migrant camp on the
island of Lesbos, where he said
people drank alcohol during win-
ter nights “just to stay warm.”
The mahour family from Iran
twice tried to move farther north
through Europe with fake pass-
ports; they were stopped both
times and then rejected for asy-
lum in Greece. Their 17-year-old
daughter, who’d become a
t heater performer in Athens,
has tattoos and piercings. Their
11 / 2 -year-old son, born in Greece,
has a Western name, Nelson.
They bridled at the idea of re-
turning to a more restrictive
country where they could face
persecution for their atheist be-
“When I go b ack to Iran, I don’t
know if I’ll be fired or in prison,”
said Habib mahour, 42, a pony-
tailed construction worker. “But I
know I can’t get papers here. I
prefer to face whatever may
greece from A
to leave
Arrivals from Turkey a re again on
the rise, and 31,000 migrants are
being housed in facilities de-
signed for 6,000, according to
has refused to do so, as a way to
deter people from making the
But deterrence hasn’t worked.
Source: International Organization for Migration THE WASHINGTON POST
Per United Nations guidelines, the IOM does not return people to several
countries and regions, including Syria and Yemen.
The migrants leaving Greece
The countries people are returning to via the International Organization for
Migration’s voluntar y program
11.8 8
P HoTos By MyrTo PAPAdoPoUlos For THe WAsHINgToN PosT
Some families living in refu gee camps have planted vegetables like okra, left, to supplement their diets. Nazzanin Mahour, right, acquired her tattoos in refugee camps in
greece. After trying twice to move farther north in europe, the 17 -year-old and her family decided to return to Iran through a voluntary deportation program.
Mu hammad Zubair, 28, waits for someone to take him to his departure gate at the Athens airport.
LA MORA, MexicO — The con-
crete foundation for William
Langford’s dream home was fin-
ished. He could picture the view
from the living room window,
over the foothills of the Sierra
madre and onto the tiny village
where he’d been raised, a colony
of American mormons in the So-
noran desert.
This week, he stopped con-
struction. for Langford and many
of his neighbors here, the massa-
cre of nine women and children
on monday has prompted exis-
tential questions about La mora’s
future. maybe it was proof that
their decades-old community of
fundamentalist mormons should
no longer exist, they thought —
that they were no longer welcome
in mexico.
“It won’t be easy to walk away
from here,” Langford said outside
the funeral Thursday of rhonita
miller and her four children.
“This is our home. But you need to
do what you need to do to stay
for generations, the several
hundred residents of La mora
lived safely here in northern mex-
ico, even as the presence of drug
cartels around them grew, even-
tually outnumbering the police
and soldiers. They kept their
doors unlocked. They let their
children play unattended. The
town felt like their own secret, a
place they would never leave.
The bilingual U.S.-mexican cit-
izens of La mora became activists
here. They became some of the
region’s most prominent farmers.
They ran for public office.
“Until this week, I thought I
would die here,” s aid Loretta mill-
er, 53, rhonita’s mother-in-law.
“Now I don’t feel safe.”
A communal decision to give
up on mexico would reflect the
specific calculus of one of the
country’s most isolated and un-
usual communities. Ye t it would
also reflect mexico’s descent into
mass violence — a canary in the
coal mine, a community that has
survived through dark days here
but saw the present moment as
much darker.
In the hours after the commu-
nity recovered the bodies of the
three mothers and six children
shot to death in a succession of
attacks outside town on monday
— several charred after their vehi-
cle was set on fire — some families
began huddled conversations
about leaving.
David Langford, whose wife,
Dawna, and two children were
killed, spoke of buying property
in the United States.
Joe Darger, whose daughter
had married into the La mora
community, told her that he no
longer felt safe visiting her here.
His son-in-law agreed. “Home
sweet home, but not so sweet
anymore,” he told Darger.
“That innocence is broken,”
Darger said. “When you don’t feel
safe, that’s your primary need as a
human being.”
But within the community, a
division has emerged between
those ready to leave and those
who want to stay and fight for
justice. That rift was on display
during some of Thursday’s funer-
al eulogies.
“La mora i sn’t t he best place for
us to live. It’s the only place,” s aid
Adrian LeBaron, rhonita’s father.
He spoke literally and meta-
phorically about the dirt road
where his daughter was killed,
urging the community to remain.
“That road should become the
safest place for us to cross,” he
said. “So that we are free.”
In recent years, the communi-
ty’s young have increasingly left
to work in the United States,
many in oil and gas in North
Dakota. Young men such as Wil-
liam Langford used their Ameri-
can salaries to build large, subur-
ban-style homes in La mora’s
But when they came back to
visit, they noticed that the town
was becoming more tense. They
were accustomed to cartel check-
points, which they passed easily,
as soon as the armed cartel mem-
bers recognized them. But those
checkpoints grew more threaten-
ing, with more unfamiliar men.
“more heated,” William Lang-
ford said. “We were used to them
just leaving us alone. But that was
As he spoke, another member
of the family, Adam Langford,
vehemently disagreed with Wil-
liam’s calculus.
“I’m not leaving,” he said.
“What can you do? Do you run?
That doesn’t fix anything.”
Adam Langford, who has twice
served as mayor of the municipal-
ity, said the community of La
mora could help push for a solu-
tion to the region’s violence. He is
acutely aware that because the
victims of the tragedy were Amer-
ican, the attack is receiving a
disproportionate amount of at-
tention — a spotlight on which he
would like to capitalize.
“With all this attention on us,
maybe that will pressure the mex-
ican government to do some-
thing,” he said.
But as the eulogies continued
into Thursday evening, services
protected by mexico’s national
guard, the commitment to stay in
La mora was overshadowed by a
pervasive sense of fear.
When Corina LeBaron began
to eulogize rhonita miller, her
sister, she acknowledged how dif-
ficult it was for the mourners to
show up.
“Thank you for coming,” she
said. “I know it was scary to
k [email protected]
After massacre, Mormons of La Mora weigh whether to remain in Mexico
Killings prompt huddled
debates about the future