Popular Mechanics - USA (2019-05)

(Antfer) #1





34 May 2019 _ PopularMechanics.com

my geeky habits is check-
ing the log of an app I have
called Disconnect. It ana-
lyzes my data traffic and
identifies and blocks track-
ing systems, recording
what it does along the way.
Usually after I search for something or use a
Google product, under Disconnect’s Recent
Trackers, I’ll see “paged.l.doubleclick.net.”
DoubleClick is a Google company that helps
direct advertisements to the right peo-
ple. In that same log, there are names like
AppsFlyer, Eyeview, and BidSwitch, all
companies most of us have probably never
heard of but that help run the modern inter-
net economy of knowing lots about your
audience’s habits.
So many recent tech news stories have
shared the same theme: Big Internet Com-
pany Creepily Watches Unsuspecting
Users. We learned that Google Search and
Maps users’ locations were being tracked
even after they checked the setting specif-
ically saying not to. And that apps such as
Hotels.com and Air Canada were record-
ing users’ screens as they used the apps.
Like most people, I don’t like big compa-
nies holding intimate information about
me. So I strategically obfuscate my habits.
I say strategically because making your-
self completely untraceable will make a lot of
the internet and your devices a huge pain to
use. For example, an exceptional ad-blocking
browser extension called uBlock Origin will
make some videos not play at all. Verbally
telling Google Maps to navigate you “Home”
is easier than pulling over and thumb-typing
your address. And while the You-Might-Also-
Like functions of sites like YouTube can lead
you to a f lat-earther’s channel, navigat-
ing most major sites without giving it some
knowledge of your preferences is like always
opening Spotify to the Top 100 playlist.

That’s all assuming the app
you’re using even functions
without some email address or
phone number sign-up.
Besides that, I’d be a bit of a
hypocrite if I went completely
dark. I’m among the people
who buy groceries with pay-
checks partially funded by the
companies publishing these
advertisements. Also, part
of Popular Mechanics’ liveli-
hood is affiliate links. If you’ve
ever tapped on the photo of a
power drill that we’ve tested
and recommended, you were
likely taken to an Amazon
product page, which tracked
your path from us to the retail
giant. If you buy that drill, we
get a small commission.
For some people, the idea
of multiple entities profiting
off of a single purchase is so
repulsive that they will open
a separate browser to buy that
product. I get it. It’s hard not
to feel a bit used and observed.
But in an era where it’s difficult
to make money from the inter-
net and advertising money
goes primarily to companies
like Facebook and Google, it

feels like I’m helping when I
click through to buy the Wire-
cutter’s recommendation for
a Bluetooth speaker. Or when
I Like a DIY YouTuber’s video,
or leave a positive Yelp review
for my motorcycle mechanic.
There’s a line between that
kind of par ticipation in mod-
ern technology and getting an
Instagram ad that makes you
certain that your phone was
listening to you.
Tech companies, I hope,
will figure out the privacy line
soon. But in the meantime,
I’ll keep them in check. I’ll
keep Disconnect running
on my phone. Whenever I
install a new app, if it asks
for permission to know my
location or contacts, I’ll prob-
ably deny it. And whenever I
buy through an affiliate link
on Amazon, I’ll first navi-
gate to smile.amazon.com,
which sends some of Ama-
zon’s money to a charity you
choose, while still giving a cut
to the reviewer whose testing
convinced you to buy. See?
There’s some good to be found
in the depths of the internet.




Print out Map-
Quest directions
from a computer at
a public library

Carry your phone in
a signal-blocking

Install apps like
Privacy Badger to
catch tracking

Use a VPN app to
scramble your
internet traffic

Clear your browser
history regularly

Turn off Location
Services for apps
that don’t need it

Give retailers
a fake phone

unused apps

Make Yourself

Less Trackable

Targeted ads creeping you out? Same.

Here’s how I keep the algorithms at a

comfortable distance without hurting

my internet experience.

Free download pdf