2019-11-01 In The Moment

(John Hannent) #1

solo travel


Choose somewhere small
If it’s your first time travelling alone,
ease yourself in gently by visiting a
town or city that’s small, manageable
and easy to get around. It could be
somewhere that’s just a train ride away.

Get up high
Find a high point in the city and climb
it – churches and cathedrals usually do
tower tours. It’s a great way of ‘taking
in’ the city and mentally mapping out
where you’re going to go. It also makes
for some impressive selfies.

Ta ke your sketchbook
Sketching the architecture, people and
nature around you is a wonderful way of

taking in your surroundings and being
in the moment. You don’t have to be
a gifted artist – these pictures can be
for you and you alone.

Go to a local class
Attending a class, be it yoga,
meditation, cookery, painting or
whatever you fancy, is a great way of
meeting local people and immersing
yourself in their culture.

Pamper yourself
Find out how the locals pamper
themselves and head to the spa.
Virtually every country in the world has
their own massage technique – start
ticking them off your list!

Ta ke your running shoes
Going for a quick morning run is a
handy way of planning the day ahead;
it energises your body and mind, and will
soon help you to shake off any jetlag.

Bring some home comforts
Your slippers, your favourite tea bags,
your child’s smelly pyjama top (yes, I
brought all three) – try to make room in
your suitcase for something to keep the
homesickness pangs at bay.

Immerse yourself in nature
If the city’s getting a bit much, take
some respite in nature in the local parks,
botanical gardens or, if you’re feeling
adventurous, out in the countryside.

If you’re new to travelling alone but keen to give it a go – Abi shares her

tried and tested tips to help you start planning

Abi loves the freedom to
wander at her own pace,
discovering unexpected
treasures on the way.
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