2019-11-01 In The Moment

(John Hannent) #1

2 CalmMoment.com

A calmer



or some of us, the festive season is a chance to
gather with loved ones and spend precious time
together. No matter what age you are, or
whether you’re a parent yourself, the feeling of
‘going home for Christmas’ can bring warmth
and excitement. Or maybe you feel the joy of hosting the
people you love in the comfort of your own home. Yet even
when we look forward to the prospect of spending time with
our relations, the reality can be less harmonious. No matter
how well we get on with our family, we often lead pretty
separate lives. For 5 1 weeks of the year we go about our
own business, but come Christmas we’re often all squashed
together under one roof. Even the friendliest of families can
start to suffer from a dose of Christmas cabin fever.
And what if you don’t enjoy going home for Christmas?
What if you don’t get on with a family member, or find the
in-laws irritating? On page 4, you’ll find simple strategies to
help you manage family time and enjoy the season in a way
that works for you.

Lonely this Christmas?
Then there’s the other end of the spectrum: some of us feel
alone at this time of year or are missing a loved one.
Christmas can be a very isolating time when it feels like
the world is celebrating without you. On page 9, we’ve
spoken to some experts about how to feel less lonely during
the holiday season (preparation is key), with advice on how
to improve personal relationships into the new year.

It’s fair to say that Christmas puts family relationships
under the spotlight, cracks and all. It can feel quite stressful
but it’s also a good chance to improve communication or
build bridges. Taking small steps to change how you relate
to a family member can have a significant effect, not just on
your Christmas but overall and help you to appreciate them,
both the good and bad parts! (And if you’re still feeling
stressed by your relatives we’ve got an active meditation for
you that will help to dispel any anger on page 35.)

Social stresses
As well as family, friends may well make demands of you
over the festive season, with a stream of invitations to catch
up over coffee or drinks, and of course there’s the office
party to look forward to (or avoid). For naturally sociable
types, this can be a real treat, but for others it can all feel
a bit frantic. Something about Christmas makes us feel we
have to cram a whole year’s worth of socialising into one
month. And when it all gets too much, instead of looking
forward to catching up, we start cancelling. It’s hardly
surprising that even the most extroverted among us can
be left feeling a little frazzled by all the festivities.
So while the holidays can be full of fun, make sure it’s on
your terms. You might like to start with your handy planner
on page 6 – to help you get a balanced mix of ‘on’ and ‘off ’
time. We’ve also included a selection of delicious vegan
recipes to cook up for the big day, for a feast that you and
every guest can enjoy.

For a holiday season that brings you peace and

joy, however you choose to spend your time,

the key is making sure it’s on your terms

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