2019-11-01 In The Moment

(John Hannent) #1


24 CalmMoment.com

Suzy Reading
Suzy specialises in self-care,
helping people manage their
stress, emotions and energetic
bank balance. Her latest book,
The Little Book of Self-Care
(Aster), features 30 practices
to help soothe the body and
mind (suzyreading.co.uk).

Signs to look for
If you’re concerned that you might be
experiencing SAD, seek support from your
GP. There may be an onset of the following
symptoms beginning in September and
culminating in depression and anxiety in
December, which may persist until
springtime. Signs include difficulty waking,
low energy, lethargy, craving carbohydrates,
increased hunger, increased sleep, weight
gain, difficulty concentrating, diminished
libido, social withdrawal, depression and
anxiety. To some extent we all feel a touch of
these things but for sufferers of SAD it can
feel impossible to meet the usual demands of
life and intervention is vital.

Soothing rest and play
Cold mornings can make it hard to get out
of bed. Ease yourself into your day by first
rubbing your hands together to create heat
and cupping your eyes. Sit for a minute,
feeling your breath, the sensation of touch
and the warmth of your hands. Add some
zesty scent to your morning ritual, a spritz
of room spray or simply pay attention to the
scent of your shower gel or moisturiser. As
an alternative to screen time, opt for a TED
talk, audiobook or podcast to relax your
body while you nourish your mind. Turn
to card games, nature bingo, jigsaws or pick
up the craft of knitting to keep engaged in
the moment. If your body-mind is calling out
for rest, respect the fallow time of winter
and listen to it. Try out a ‘yoga nidra’ –
a guided relaxation exercise. You can get
super comfy using a weighted blanket and
an eye mask to let the outer world drop away.
And finally, a warming bath is the perfect
way to close the day. Add lavender oil to aid
physical relaxation and use the mantra:
‘I release what I no longer need’.

Make time for soul food
While we may feel like hiding away, social
connection feeds the soul, so make the effort
to meet up in the real world. Make a date and
take in some theatre, an art exhibit or try
your hand at a new skill with a class.

Knitting keeps us in the
moment while we relax –
try it in a class and connect
with new people too.
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