2019-11-01 In The Moment

(John Hannent) #1


You’ve arranged a holiday
with a friend and realise
you have an extra day that you
could use to explore solo. You:

A Extend your trip by 24 hours and
pursue your dream to live like a local.
B Ask your friend what she would prefer
you to do.
C Go home with your friend, secretly
hoping you get the chance to go back
there one day.


While driving down a
country lane your tyre
goes flat. What happens next?

A Grab the spare and start to jack
the car, you’ll be back on the road
in no time.
B Panic, call your partner for
reassurance, then call roadside
C Patiently sit in your car, praying
someone sees you and saves you
before it goes dark.


There’s a movie out you’d
love to see but your friends
have plans. You decide to:

A Go by yourself and treat yourself to
a bite out beforehand too.
B Ask someone from work to join you
and get to know each other better.

C Only go if a friend comes, so it
looks like you might miss this movie


How would you describe
your connection with your
family? Are you close?

A Could be closer. I keep in touch but
I tend to spend my time alone or with
my partner.
B Close enough. We see each other
often but I only open up fully to the few
family members I am closest to.
C Very close. We see each other
at least once a week and I share
absolutely everything with them!


In a relationship, you think
of your partner as:

A Someone important who I try to make
time and space for.
B My best friend, confidant and partner
in crime.
C My rock, my world, my happiness,
my everything.


In a current work project
you’re required to make
lots of decisions. Do you:

A Enjoy the process of being in control
and trust your own judgement.
B Give it a go, asking your boss lots of

questions and checking in every step
of the way.
C Partner up with a colleague so you
don’t have to make any final decisions.


It’s been a tough day
and you’re feeling a bit
rubbish. What do you do
to turn it around?

A Switch off everything, make a quiet
space to unwind and put your
self-care into practice.
B Text or call a friend to vent and ask
for their advice on how to handle it
from here.
C You can’t decide, so end up doing
nothing. You’re so overwhelmed and
annoyed you go to bed.


A neighbour keeps taking
your regular parking
space. Do you:

A Confront them (nicely), letting them
know it’s yours and suggest where
else they can go.
B Leave a vague yet passive-
aggressive note on the notice board
re: people parking in the wrong place,
just like your sister did when the same
thing kept happening to her.
C Mention it to another neighbour and
hope they say something to the
perpetrator so you don’t have to!

How self-reliant

are you?

Being self-reliant helps us to achieve on our own terms.

Learn how independent you are with our quiz, then

turn the page for a few helpful tips
Words: Annika Rose


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