2019-11-01 In The Moment

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Vitamin B12

For those eating a plant-based diet, ensuring

we absorb enough vitamin B12 is vital, writes

industry nutritionist Egzona Makolli



tips for getting
your B12


For vegans, aim to
incorporate foods fortified
with vitamin B12 into your diet
two to three times per day.


Seafood sources high in
vitamin B12 include clams
and oily fish such as sardines,
salmon, trout and tuna.


As we only need to
consume relatively small
amounts of vitamin B12, a
standard multivitamin will often
provide our recommended daily
intake and boost levels of other
useful vitamins too.


Vitamin B12 supplements
are recommended for
those at risk of B12 deficiency,
including older adults, pregnant
or breastfeeding women,
anyone with intestinal problems
and those who have had
stomach surgery. However,
always consult your doctor
before taking any supplements
as you need to know the dose
suited to your body.


lant-based diets are quickly
becoming the norm for many of
us, but while removing animal
products from our diet is undoubtedly
good for the environment, it can leave
us with a challenge when it comes to
getting enough vitamin B12 as this
vitamin is not present in plant foods.
Naturally occurring in most animal
products, including fish, meat, poultry,
eggs and milk, vitamin B12 performs
multiple (vital) functions in the body.
It is responsible for proper red blood
cell formation, keeping the nervous
system healthy, releasing energy from
food and DNA synthesis.
Thankfully, compared to other
vitamins, B12 is only required in small
amounts – an adult’s recommended
intake is between 1 .5 and 2 .4
micrograms per day, rising for women
who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Plus, we can store substantial amounts
of the vitamin in the liver for a period
of around two to four years until it is
needed and can be used in the body.
Therefore, if you are flexitarian, a
vegetarian who regularly consumes
dairy products or have only recently
undergone a change in diet, B12
deficiency poses a very low risk.
As vitamin B12 must be broken
down by stomach acid before it is
absorbed, this risk rises slightly for the
over- 50 s, as conditions which decrease
stomach acid secretion become more

common at this life stage. For anyone
on a purely plant-based diet, it’s
important to ensure that you absorb
vitamin B12 by regularly eating
fortified products such as breakfast
cereals, bread, certain yeast- and soy-
based products and some plant milks.
Current literature shows that these
products are generally reliable sources
of vitamin B12 and can be easily
incorporated into any diet.
Diagnosing vitamin B12 deficiency
is relatively difficult as symptoms
are varied and tend to develop very
gradually. They include a loss of
energy, blurred vision, poor memory,
tingling in the hands, legs or feet and,
in more advanced cases, personality
change. As a result, it can take a long
time to be diagnosed, so if you are
concerned about your levels of vitamin
B12, it is advisable to request a blood
test from your doctor.

Egzona Makolli
(BSc Hons. MSc ANutr)
As a nutritionist,
Egzona knows how
what we eat affects
our overall health
and is passionate
about sharing her
knowledge. Learn
more from Egzona
at egzonamak.co.uk

Fortified foods such
as cereal and plant
milks can provide
plenty of B12.
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