2019-11-01 In The Moment

(John Hannent) #1


CalmMoment.com 41

Obligation is likely to keep our calendars full, but being busy with
a blocked-out diary means there is always something to do and
an expectation to meet, and this can be exhausting. To live like this
means we are forever beholden to others and not doing things
for ourselves. Bring more joy into your life by focusing on your
calendar and making it more about your needs and desires.

Plan joy
Create a list of events or activities you’d like to experience
and block out time in your calendar with the intention of
actively following through with these plans. These may not be
spontaneous events as such, but I believe that spontaneity is
something that you have to learn and allow yourself to be
open to. By bringing more joy into your life over the course of
a year (in whatever way you can) you will become far more
receptive to moments of unplanned indulgence.

Block out unscheduled time
Now go into your diary and block out one day a month for you to
do anything you choose on that day. Claim this time – it is yours,
so do not limit it for others. This is designed for spontaneous joy
and you can dive into anything you choose on this day.

Learn to say no
Redefine your criteria for agreeing to commitments. When
someone asks you to do something, ask yourself whether you
really want to go and whether it will bring you joy. There is no need
to answer on the spot, you can take your time to consider the
option. Have some truthful and practised responses ready. It will be
appreciated when you can be honest. You may find the following
useful: “My time is so precious, and although I’d like to be everywhere
and do everything, this is not for me at this time. I wish you much
happiness and success, and I am so grateful that you understand.”

Invite a friend out
for coffee on the spur
of the moment and
enjoy catching up.

Is there an activity you've
always fancied trying but
never got around to? Don't
overthink it, just go for it! Alison Callan
Alison Callan is an award-winning
clarity and success coach, as well
as an internationally accredited
coach and mindfulness consultant
and co-author of the book You Are
Meant For More. To read more from
Alison, visit alisoncallan.com

Declutter your


Free up some time for more joyful
and spontaneous activities, with this
advice from Alison Callan...
Free download pdf