
(backadmin) #1


We grow a lot of our own garlic, but there’s a window of
time where the stuff in the ground doesn’t have big fat
bulbs yet and the garlic from last year has all sprouted.
It’s at this magic moment that we use spring garlic: the
straight, leek-looking stems of growing garlic.* It’s milder
and sweeter, and lovely in a tart like this. Clean it as
you would a leek, discarding any really tough green
bits and watching for dirt between the leaves.

Se 4

150g butter, chilled and diced
2 cups plain (all-purpose) flour
Good pinch of salt
2 tablespoons plain yoghurt, chilled

1 tablespoon olive oil
2 stems spring garlic, washed and finely sliced
2 handfuls of young spinach leaves, washed and finely shredded
(about 1 large bunch if buying it)
5 free-range egg yolks
1 cup sour cream
100g grated aged cheddar or parmesan
Salad, to serve

  1. For the pastry, rub butter into the fl our and salt until
    it resembles breadcrumbs (or you can pulse it in a food
    processor). Add the yoghurt and enough ice-cold water
    to make a soft dough, kneading until just combined.
    Rest for 30 minutes, then roll out to fi t a 20cm × 6cm
    (8in × 2½in) tin. Rest for another 30 minutes.

  2. Preheat oven to 180°C (350°F) and blind-bake pastry.

  3. To make the fi lling, heat the oil in a pretty big frying
    pan over a low heat and gently fry the garlic until it’s
    yieldingly soft. Add the spinach and cook, stirring often,
    until wilted. (Popping a lid on can speed up this process.)
    Spread the garlic and spinach evenly over the base of
    the tart case. If you like, return the pan to the heat and
    reduce any runny cooking juices before adding to the tart.

  4. Beat the yolks, add the sour cream and beat until
    just combined. Season with pepper and a little salt,
    remembering that the cheese is salty. Stir in three-quarters
    of the cheese and carefully pour this egg mixture into
    the tart case to fi ll. Top with a little more cheese.

  5. Reheat the oven to 180°C (350°F) and bake for 12–15
    minutes, or until the egg mixture has set. Serve the tart
    warm or at room temperature, with salad.

* The window to harvest spring garlic may have passed
for some gardeners. However, for those who have
planted late garlic, you will be able to harvest spring
garlic well into December. Alternatively, you can use the
stem and leaves of green garlic (see Harvest Notes).


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