The Globe and Mail - 02.11.2019

(John Hannent) #1


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82 (November 4, 1936-October
16, 2 0 19)InnovAtive entrepreneur,
loving husbAnd, fAther AndOpA.
Died peAcefully in his own home
while Asleep next to his beAutiful,
loving wife of5 0 yeArs.
Dieter’s life wAs mArked by his
incredible tenAcity, resilience,
courAge And contAgiously
positive outlook on life.HeleftA
mArk on everyone he met.After
leAvingEAstBerlin And Arriving in
QuebecCity by ship At 2 0 ,Dieter
embrAced everything he could to
becomeCAnAdiAn And creAte An
incredible life for his fAmily.
As A tool And die mAker, he
stArted his first compAnyNAtionAl
TrAding AndMAnufActuringLtd
before his 25th birthdAy.Dieter
built the prototype for oneof
the first seAtbelts inCAnAdA
And Also held multiple pAtents.
Over 3 0 yeArs Ago he becAme
involved in the glAss industry
And brought theHeAtMirror®
product toCAnAdA.GlAss projects
led byDieter’s compAny include:
theFogoIslAndInn, theEnwAve
TheAtre HArbourfront Centre,
Trillium HospitAl AndDurhAm
College to nAme A few.Dieter Also
sAt on numerous glAss boArds
And worked tirelessly over the
decAdes to promote the benefits
of energy-conserving glAss As A
criticAl tool towArds Addressing
globAl wArming.
Dieter wAs fiercely protective And
loyAl to those he loved, And there
were mAny: his fAmily, extended
fAmily, friends, customers And
employees.He wAs A greAt dAnce
pArtner And swimmer, A lover of
big bAnd And jAzzAnd trAvelling
the world with his fAmily.
He wAs A wonderful husbAnd,
fAther,OpA And friend. To know
Dieter wAs to hAve A lifelong
friend; he will be sorely missed
by those who were privileged
to hAve known him.Lovingly
remembered byEddA,AngelikA,
SAbrinA, KhAlid And grAnd-
dAughters SofiA AndJuliette.A
privAte celebrAtion of life will
tAke plAce.


On FridAy,November 1, 2 019
AtNorth YorkGenerAlHospitAl.
Beloved wife of IrwinGould.
Loving mother And mother-in-lAw
ofBethGouldCrotty AndMichAel
Crotty, AndMitchell AndSAwitee
Gould.DeAr sister And sister-in-
lAw of Robert AndLorrAineArnold.
Devoted grAndmother ofLiAm,
ElishA, AndKylA.
At BenjAmin’s PArk MemoriAl
ChApel, 24 0 1 Steeles Avenue
West (3 lights west ofDufferin) for
service onMondAy, November
4, 2 0 19 At 12:3 0 p.m.Interment
Temple EmAnu El Section of
PArdes ShAlomCemetery. ShivA
1 0FrAminghAmDrive, Thornhill.
MemoriAl donAtions mAy be mAde
toCAnAdiAnCAncer Society, 1-888-
939-3333 or toNorth YorkGenerAl
HospitAlFoundAtionFor 3rdFloor
PAlliAtiveCAre, 416-756-6944.
MArried for Almost 55 yeArs, the light
ofIrwin’s life hAs gone out.Judy
wAs A genuine, cAring And witty
womAn, tAken from us All too soon.


1940 – 2019

BryAn pAssed AwAy suddenly on
ThursdAy,October 31st After his
big And generous heArt suffered
An overwhelming blow.HewAs
the beloved husbAndofMAry
(néeBruce) for 38 yeArs And
the treAsured fAther ofAndrew,
of whom he wAs so incredibly
proud.He is Also survived by
his ever-loving brother,Colin
(Sherrill), And wAs predeceAsed
by his sisterFrAn, sister-in-lAw
KAren, And Adored nephewDAvid.
“UncleBryAn” leAves behindA
lArge extended fAmily of nieces,
gAve him so much pleAsure over
the yeArs, As did his two brothers-
in-lAw(JAmie And ScottBruce)
And sister-in-lAw(Cindy Bruce)
And their fAmilies, in VAncouver.
BryAn wAs born inOttAwA, And
wAs A proud grAduAte of VictoriA
University, At the Universityof
Toronto.He enjoyed A long And
rewArding cAreer As A pArtner
withCoopers &LybrAnd And
PricewAterhouseCoopers. If
there ever wAs A relAtionship
mAn, it wAsBryAn; should he
hAve found himself somewhere
with no one to tAlk with, we
suspect he probAbly would hAve
struck up A conversAtion with the
neArest telephone pole.His client
relAtionships were A very big pArt
of his life, And in his retirement
mAny of his former fellow
pArtners becAme close friends.He
especiAlly vAlued the cAmArAderie
of his R.O.M.E.O. luncheon group
AlwAys incredibly generous with
his time,BryAn served on the
BoArd of the Toronto Symphony
OrchestrA, And wAsChAir of the
UniversityClub of Toronto And
OperAAtelier.More recently his
volunteer commitments centred
Around his love of clAssicAl
music, And he took such pleAsure
from hisBoArd work with the
Toronto SummerMusicFestivAl
AndConcerts inCAre.Alover of
cAmp life,BryAn And A few other
former cAmpers And stAffers
of the YMCA CAmpPineCrest,
hAve recently worked to rAise
funds to support theDreAmers
CAmpAign to fund A cAmp
experience for children in need.
BryAn wAs A pAssionAte mAn, And
FrAnce wAs where thAt pAssion
wAs most striking.His explorAtion
of the wine regions of thAt
country, And tours ofPAris with
his sonAndrew, were Amongst
his fondest memories.He And
MAry enjoyed ten wonderful
yeArs together At their home in
Gourdon in southwestFrAnce,
And “LeGrAndCAnAdien” will be
sorely missed by the good friends
mAde in thAt medievAltownhe
loved so much.
Our heArts Are broken At the loss
of this wArm, funny, enthusiAstic,
And ever supportive mAn who
mAde such A difference in the lives
of so mAny.
AvisitAtion will tAke plAce At
the HumphreyFunerAl Home
A.W.Miles -NewbiggingChApel,
1403 BAyview Avenue, from
2: 00 -4: 00 p.m. on TuesdAy,
November 5th. A memoriAl
service will be held in Timothy
EAtonMemoriAlChurch, 23 0 St.
ClAirAvenue West, At 11: 00 A.m.
on WednesdAy,November 6th.
If desired, in lieu of flowers,
pleAse consider supporting the
Toronto SummerMusicAlFestivAl,
Concerts inCAre, or the YMCA



Dr.HughJohnston pAssed AwAy
quietly onOctober 22, 2 0 19, in
his 9 0 th yeAr surrounded by his
fAmily.Born in Toronto,Hugh
grew up inLAwrencePArk And
Attended University of Toronto
where he grAduAted with A
medicAl degree.He prActiced As
An eAr, nose, And throAt speciAlist
inBrAntford for his entire cAreer
of over 45 yeArs.Hugh wAs the
beloved husbAnd of the lAteDenys
PAtriciA “PAddy”Johnston (RAiney)
And deAr brother to his lAte sister,
BArbArADempsey.Much loved dAd
to his children,DeirdreDAlzell of
SAnJose,CAliforniA,CAm (Vicky)
of BrAntford, Doug (CArlA) of
Adored PApA to grAndchildren,
AndAlexAndrA. Beloved Uncle
Chub toJAnet,Jim,John,Kevin
AndColleenDempsey And Uncle
Hugh toPeter,MichAel AndJeff
MAcDonAld And their fAmilies.He
wAs A wonderful compAnion to
SAndrAPAscoe; they trAvelled,
skied, dAnced And enjoyedeAch
other’s compAny for 2 0 yeArs.
Hugh will be rememberedfor
his gentle, kind And cAring wAy,
his dry sense of humour And
for his pAtient yet decisive mAnner.
He loved the outdoors And his
fAmily, And enjoyed both to the
fullest.He wAs An Avid runner And
mArAthoner for over 4 0 yeArs And
wAs skiing up to his 85th yeAr.
Hugh wAs A long-time member
ofAlpine SkiClub And hAd mAny
ski trips with his fAmily. The fAmily
cottAge inPArry Sound wAs A big
pArt of his life And wAs the stepping
stone to mAny cAnoe And boAt
trips toKillArney And theNorth
ChAnnel.Everyone wAs AlwAys
welcome to join him for A cup of
teA AndDAd’s cookies. We would
like to thAnk the compAssionAte
And professionAl stAff AtBrAntford
GenerAlHospitAl for the kindness
And cAre they provided.
CremAtion hAs tAken plAce And A
CelebrAtionofLife will tAke plAce
on SundAy,November 24, 2 019
At theBrAntfordGolf AndCountry
Club from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.If
desired, in lieu of flowers, pleAse
consider A donAtion to theHeArt
And StrokeFoundAtion ofCAnAdA
or theCAnAdiAnCAncer Society.
ArrAngements hAve been entrusted
toMcCleisterFunerAlHome, 495 PArk
RoAdNorth,BrAntford.Memories or
condolences mAy be received by the
fAmily At mccleisterfunerAlhome.cA,
McCleister (519) 758-1553.

(née Woodrow)

JuliA died peAcefully on SundAy,
October 2 0 ,2 0 19, After A long
struggle with cAncer. She wAs
born onNovember 2 0 , 1949,
to the lAteBArbArA AndDonAld
Woodrow. She will be greAtly
missed by mAny people including
her husbAnd,DAvid; her children
And their fAmilies - Simon,Miche,
NyAh AndCorA;Jeremy, Willow
AndArcher;NicholAs And TrAcey;
RAchel, Steve And RosAlyn - the
extended fAmily, And numerous
friends And colleAgues.
AService of ThAnksgiving for
JuliA’s life will tAke plAce on
SAturdAy,November 9 At 1 p.m.
AtGrAceChurch on-the-Hill, 3 00
LonsdAle RoAd, Toronto, with
A reception following. There
will be A VisitAtion onFridAy,
November 8 between 7 And 9
p.m. AtHumphreyFunerAlHome,
1403 BAyviewAvenue, Toronto.
In lieu of flowers, pleAse mAke
A donAtion either toLALeche
LeAgueCAnAdA, PO Box 147,
Pickering,ON L1V 2R2 or to The
Kensington Hospice, 38MAjor
Street, TorontoM5S 2L1.

O.C., Q.C., LLD (Hon.)
1941 - 2019

ThomAsGilesHeintzmAn died peAcefully At home surrounded by his wife
And two sons As morning wAs breAking onOctober 24, 2 0 19.
Tom will be lovingly remembered by his lifelong deAr friend And wifeMAry
JAne, his sons Tom AndAndrew, dAughters-in-lAwMArthAMcCAll And Roz
(EvAns)HeintzmAn, his Adored grAndchildren,Molly, Theodore,Luke And
SloAn, And his brother RAlph.He wAs predeceAsed by his pArentsMAry And
GeorgeHeintzmAn And his older brotherGeorge.
Tom grew up in Toronto And Attended UpperCAnAdACollege.He received
his university educAtion AtHArvArd University, the University ofLondon And
OsgoodeHAllLAw School.He joinedMcCArthy &McCArthy (nowMcCArthy
TétrAult) in 1967, where he prActiced litigAtion for the next 44 yeArs.He Acted
As counsel in courts AcrossCAnAdA including numerous AppeArAnces before
the SupremeCourt ofCAnAdA.In2 0 12, Tom retired fromMcCArthy TétrAult
And joinedArbitrAtionPlAce where he enjoyed A second cAreer As A mediAtor
And ArbitrAtor.
Tom believed strongly in the role of the justice system in society, And he
spent considerAble time giving bAck to the profession.He wAs president
of both theOntArioBArAssociAtion (1989-199 0 ) And theCAnAdiAnBAr
AssociAtion (1994-1995).He wAs A bencher of theLAw Society of Upper
CAnAdA between 2 00 3 And 2 0 11.He wAs An Adjunct professor AtOsgoode
HAll, University of Toronto And Western lAw schools.For the pAst 15 yeArs he
wAs the AuthorofHeintzmAn &Goldsmith onCAnAdiAnBuildingContrActs,
An AnnuAl publicAtion, which hAs been cited in mAny judiciAl decisions.
In recognition of his AdvocAcy And contributions to the legAl profession, Tom
received numerous AwArds And recognitions, includingbeing Appointed
Queen’sCounsel in 198 0 And receiving theOntArioBArAssociAtionAwArd for
Excellence inCivilLitigAtion in 2 00 8 And the QueenElizAbethII’sDiAmond
JubileeMedAl in 2 0 12. Tom wAs Appointed AnOfficer of theOrder ofCAnAdA
in 1998 And wAs presentedADoctor ofLAws degree by theLAw Societyof
UpperCAnAdA in 2 0 17.
With his boundless energy, Tom wAs Also Actively involved in community
orgAnizAtions including As A director of theNAtionAl YouthOrchestrAof
CAnAdA, Trustee of theCAnAdiAnOutwArdBound Wilderness School,
ChAirmAn of the UpperCAnAdACollegeAssociAtion AndFoundAtion,
Governor of UpperCAnAdACollege, AndPresident of theHArvArdClub of
Toronto.He wAs A founding counsellor ofCAmpOoch, where he volunteered
for ten summers.
Tom hAd mAny pAssions And interests.He wAs A vorAcious reAder, who
loved to discuss books of All topics with Anyone who wAs interested.He
wAs Also A lover of music And plAyed mAny instruments, regAling friends lAte
At night AtBArAssociAtion meetings, under the stArs by A cAmpfire, or As A
dinner pArty drew to A close. Tom loved the outdoors And wAs never hAppier
thAn when wAlking his pAths And tending his property inHockley VAlley
Amongst his friends, the trees. Tom wAs A proud And dedicAtedCAnAdiAn,
And in pArticulAr identified deeply with the frAncophone history And music
ofCAnAdA.In the lAtter pArt of Tom’s life, he becAme An Active member
of theFirst UnitAriAnCongregAtion of Toronto, where he explored the big
questions of spirituAl life.
Tom’s Abiding love for his fAmily wAs legendAry, And he took A constAnt
interest in his children’s And grAndchildren’s lives.He wAs A perenniAl
presence on the sidelines of sporting mAtches And in the front row for their
musicAl concerts. Tom hAd A pAssion for life And for those Around him thAt
wAs unpArAlleled And left everyone in his presence chAnged for the better.
Tom wAs especiAlly grAteful for the wonderful medicAl cAre he received
over the pAst four yeArs At Sunnybrook,PrincessMArgAret, AndMount SinAi
HospitAls And from the TemmyLAtner pAlliAtive cAre teAm of superb nurses
And doctors, fAr too mAny extrAordinAry professionAls to nAme.
ACelebrAtion of Tom’sLife will be held At UpperCAnAdACollege,LAidlAw
HAll, on SundAy,November 24, 2 0 19 At 3: 00 p.m. with A reception to follow.
In lieu of flowers, you might consider supporting A young person by
donAting to one of the following chArities:
TheNAtionAl YouthOrchestrAofCAnAdA
DixonHAllMusic School
PAthwAys toEducAtion


PAssed AwAy At his home in
Guelph on TuesdAy,October 22,
20 19.MArcHebert, Age 88 yeArs,
wAs the loving fAther of SusAn
Hebert And her husbAndHelmut
ZgrAjA,Jennifer And her husbAnd
MoreyChAplick And of the lAte
JohnHebert (1973).MArc wAs the
proud grAndfAther of NicholAs
(Meg),AdAm (MAddie),KAtArinA,
BrAd And Will.He wAs the deAr
brother ofJAcquiKyle,JeAnne
Corbeil And RonHebert And his
wifeCArolyn. Survived by his
nieces And nephews.MArc will be
sAdly missed by his pet cAtCindy
whom he deArly loved.
DAd grAduAted from the RoyAl
MilitAry College in 1956, then
grAduAted from the University of
Toronto with ACivilEngineering
degree And went on to hAve A
successful cAreer As A nAvigAtor
with theCAnAdiAnAirForce.
MArc wAs A mAn of fAith, devote
in his love And service to fAmily,
friends, pArish.He wAs instAlled As
A SeculArFrAnciscAn.
As expressions of sympAthy,
donAtions to theHeArt And Stroke
FoundAtion ofOntArio or to the
GuelphHumAne Society would be
cArds Are AvAilAble online At

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