The worst effects of
acid rain are suffered in
areas that are close to
industrial regions
Coral reef, Fiji
Forest destroyed by acid rain near the Appalachian Mountains, USA
Rainforest clearance in Chiapas, Mexico
Giant panda in Wolong Nature Reserve, Chengdu, China
Cycling to work in San Francisco, USA
Smoke and fumes from industry and power
plants combine with moisture in the air to
form weak sulfuric and nitric acids. When this
acid rain falls it can kill trees and turn lakes too
acidic to support life. This is a serious problem
in Canada, Russia, and China.
All over the world, vast areas of forest are
being destroyed each year. Tropical forests in
particular are being felled for timber, and to
clear land for farming. This is wrecking some
of the richest natural habitats on Earth, and
is one of the main causes of climate change.
As wild habitats are destroyed, plants
and animals have fewer places to live.
This makes survival harder for many
species. As endangered species die out,
it reduces the rich variety of life that is
vital to the health of the planet.
Protecting the environment is not just
the job of governments. We can all help
by altering the way we live. By cycling to
work instead of driving, these city
workers are reducing the amount of
pollution they produce.
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